To help ensure the national alert and warning system is ready to provide timely, accurate information during the next disaster, the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) and the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) will conduct a nationwide test at approximately 2:20 PM on Wednesday, October 4. This 1-minute test alert sent to TVs, radios and smartphones is similar to the weekly or monthly testing that happens on a local and regional level. The message that appears on phones will read: “THIS IS A TEST of the National Wireless Emergency Alert System. No action is needed.” No action is required by the public. This alert is simply a test of a robust readiness system should a nationwide alert be necessary in the future. All Preston County Schools have been advised of this test and are notifying students and staff in advance of the test this afternoon.
10 months ago, Brad Martin
With new middle school sports' seasons rapidly approaching, please don't wait until the last minute for a physical. When official practices and try-outs begin, students must have a proof of insurance and physical on-file to be able to play. Girls' basketball begins the week of October 30th and the Boys' the week of November 6th. In order to get their required practices in by the first games, this has to be done. Please call to schedule these now with your local provider.
10 months ago, Justin Hough
This is a final reminder for parents that their students lost access to their devices today. Teachers will be contacting to remind you, but this needs to be done ASAP. If you don't have a device or access at home, please stop by the office to take care of it. At the beginning of the year, you were asked to fill out an updated student information form online, which includes the Acceptable Use Policy (AUP) for internet access. Teachers were making contact this week with those from their classes. If you don't remember filling this out online, please do so, or when in doubt, please do so again, before your child loses access. They will be responsible for missing and/or late assignments.
10 months ago, Justin Hough
This is a final reminder for parents before their students lose device access beginning tomorrow. At the beginning of the year, you were asked to fill out an updated student information form online, which includes the Acceptable Use Policy (AUP) for internet access. Teachers were making contact this week with those from their classes. If you don't remember filling this out online, please do so, or when in doubt, please do so again, before your child loses access. They will be responsible for missing and/or late assignments.
10 months ago, Justin Hough
Good afternoon Preston County. This is a reminder that all Preston County Schools will be dismissed two hours early today, Thursday, September 28th and closed tomorrow, Friday, September 29th so that students and staff may take part in the Buckwheat Festival activities. We will see everyone back in school on Monday, October 2nd. Have a wonderful, fun-filled festival weekend.
10 months ago, Preston County Schools
Just a reminder that today is a 2-Hour Early Out for the Buckwheat Festival. School today at Terra Alta will be finished and students released at 12:15. Be sure to be a bus stops to get your kiddos 2 hours prior to regular time, or to begin parent pick-up at 12:15. Thanks.
10 months ago, Justin Hough
Bus 73-16 Josie shillito. Terra Alta East Preston and Preston High will not run tomorrow, Tuesday, September 26th.
10 months ago, Preston County Schools
Terra Alta East Preston Parents of K-3 students. Those students identified as at-risk per the new state guidelines in reading and math based off their initial assessment, were sent home today with a report letter that needs signed and returned by parents. Not all students received one. Any questions, don't hesitate to reach out.
10 months ago, Justin Hough
Just a reminder that there is an LSIC meeting this evening, Monday the 25th, at 5:30 in the cafeteria.
10 months ago, Justin Hough
Lunch Menu Change/Update: Due to the school hosting a couple other schools for consolidated band practice for the upcoming Buckwheat Parades, we will be swapping Tuesday's and Wednesday's lunches with one another. Rather than Wednesday, Pepperoni Rolls will now be served on Tuesday, with the Popcorn Chicken Bowl being served on Wednesday. So again, Pepperoni Rolls on Tuesday and Popcorn Chicken Wednesday.
10 months ago, Justin Hough
For Breast Cancer Awareness Month in October, our Lady Eagles' Volleyball Match-Up at Central Preston will be a "Pink Out" in support of Preston Memorial's "Pink Out" and fundraising efforts. Both teams will be dawning new jerseys for the game, as well as shirts are available for purchase, with proceeds going to the two teams' donations to "Pink Out." You can support the teams and the cause by purchasing a one of a kind shirt at the following link:
10 months ago, Justin Hough
Preston County Schools would like to thank and recognize all of our school service employees in honor of WV School Service Personnel Day (9/22/23)!!! Our service employees are vital to the operation of our schools and as I stated in my opening day speech, I wish to thank our bus drivers who provide a smiling face and needed transportation for our students to and from school, our mechanics who work to ensure that our buses are safe for travel, our cooks who prepare nutritious breakfasts and lunches that are sometimes the only meals some of our student see each day, our aides who sometimes ride our buses to ensure safe travels by our students and who provide needed classroom help to our students and our teachers, our secretaries who help to provide for the smooth and efficient operation of our schools, and our custodians and maintenance workers who help to provide a clean environment in our schools and make needed repairs within our buildings and grounds. Thanks again to all of our service personnel employees!!!!
10 months ago, Brad Martin
Change to scheduled LSIC meeting. Due to Buckwheat Festival commitments from our students and parents beginning Tuesday the 26th, we will be changing the meeting to Monday the 25th at 5:30.
10 months ago, Justin Hough
There will be multiple upcoming LSIC (Local School Improvement Council Meetings). Those who were elected by the PTO as representatives, at-large members, and staff are encouraged to attend each, so as to have a quorum as we plan for the upcoming October 9th Board of Education meeting to be held in the Terra Alta East Preston Cafeteria. The first meeting will be Tuesday, September 26th at 5:30 in the cafeteria. During this meeting, we will begin preparations for the Board Meeting. If we do not complete our presentation, those who can will meet again on Thursday, October 5th at 6:15. Any questions, feel free to reach out to Mr. Hough at the school or at Even if not a voting member of the LSIC, we encourage any and all to attend the BOE meeting on October 9th at 6:00 in the cafeteria.
10 months ago, Justin Hough
Just a reminder, there is a PTO meeting tonight at 6pm in the school cafeteria. If you are interested in helping this school year, the PTO and staff would love to have your help and support.
10 months ago, Justin Hough
Bus 77-16 Wes Stemple, Terra Alta East Preston and Preston High will be running 20 minutes late today, Monday, September 11th.
11 months ago, Preston County Schools
9/11 Remembrance: We will never forget that twenty-two years ago, on September 11, 2001, at 8:46 am Eastern time, the United States of America came under attack from 19 Al-Qaeda Terrorists, as they crashed a jet filled with people into World Trade Center North Tower in New York City. At 9:03, a second jet struck the South Tower, and at 9:37 the Pentagon was hit by a third plane. At 9:59, the South Tower collapsed, and 8 minutes later, Flight 93 crashed in a field in Pennsylvania as passengers attempted to stop the terrorists who were headed for the White House or the Capital. At 10:28, the North Tower collapsed. 2996 people died that morning and in that 2-hour time span, the world as we once knew it, changed forever. None of you were even born when all of this happened, but your teachers remember it vividly. It was the first time most of us did not feel safe in our own country and had no idea what would happen next. Brave men and women gave their lives to try to save others and it took months to clear the debris. If you ever have the chance to visit New York City, take the time to visit the 9/11 memorial and museum. It is a life changing experience. As we observe our moment of silence today, please take the time to remember the events of 9/11. Twenty-Two years later there are still thousands of families affected by the tragedy. And even though you don’t probably realize it, your lives changed that day, before you were even born. A moment of silence please. Always Remember. Never Forget.
11 months ago, Justin Hough
A couple of important announcements: Anyone interested in joining the PTO, there will be a meeting on Wednesday, August 13th at 6:00 in the cafeteria. This will also be the parent election for PTO members who are interested in being a part of the school LSIC (Local School Improvement Council). This is a great opportunity to have your voice heard both at the school and county levels. On Thursday the 14th, before our 6:00 Volleyball Match against West, there will be an informational meeting for 8th grade parents to discuss the 8th grade trip and fundraising. If you're a parent of an 8th grader and interested in hearing more or helping out, please join us at 5:00 Have a great weekend Eagles.
11 months ago, Justin Hough
Preston County Schools is pleased to inform you that students (currently in grades 4 - 9 and grade 12) who took the West Virginia General Summative Assessment or the SAT School Day Assessment in the spring of 2023 have received an email in their K12 student email account containing a link to an individual student video score report. Please have your student check his or her student email account for the link. Simply click on the link and enter your student’s date of birth to access the video score report customized specifically for your student and be sure to check out the links to resources that are also provided. Additionally, students will bring home the West Virginia General Summative Assessment or SAT School Day Assessment paper copy of the report today, Friday, September 8th. This is the same information that is accessible online in the video report and the new parent portal. In addition, your student will also receive a second email with a link to the new West Virginia Department of Education Assessment Family Portal. Included with the link is a unique parent access code for your student as well as directions for accessing the family portal. If you have any difficulty accessing the online report or do not receive your paper copy, please contact your student’s school for assistance. The Preston County Schools website also has additional resources available regarding the assessments. You will find this information at > Menu > Parent/Student > Assessment. And finally, Preston County Schools wants to thank all our students and teachers for their hard work on the state assessments this past spring!
11 months ago, Preston County Schools
State test scores come home today
Parents and Guardians, Student health forms were given out to all students during the first week of school. This gives permission for the school nurse to give medication to your student if needed. If you have not already returned them, please check your student's backpack for the form, fill it out, and return it to Terra Alta East Preston. Also, if you haven't filled out the online student information form for the year, yes we need an updated one each year, please do so at the following link. Thank you
11 months ago, Justin Hough