It's getting to be that time of year again. The WVDE affords us the opportunity, due to our extended length days at certain schools, to use that time to be able to have alterative learning days in the event of inclement weather. In Preston County, we call those Brain Freeze Days. Below, you will find the information you will need in the event one of these days are called. Any questions or concerns, please reach out to your child's teacher or building principal.
2 months ago, Preston County Schools
Brain Freeze Information
Calendar updated and updated online to include 2, two-hour early outs on February 7th and May 9th as teacher work time towards progress reports and grading. As always, if we have more inclement weather days off, delays, or early-outs, this is always subject to change and will be communicated with advanced notice.
2 months ago, Preston County Schools
Yearly calendar
It's an early Thanksgiving celebration in art class today as Miss Neff's kids made paper turkeys. #SchoolOfChampions #GoodThingsHappenHere
2 months ago, Jonas Knotts
Preston County Educators Awarded Mini-Grants from Your Community Foundation (YCF) 18 educators from across Preston County received mini-grants during an awards ceremony at the Bridgeport Conference Center on the evening of Monday, November 18th from the Your Community Foundation (YCF). These dedicated educators have been awarded $750 each to be used during the 2024-2025 academic year. Winning teachers include: Aurora School: Kathleen Cline and Claire Jones Bruceton School: Scott Fischer, Jennifer Short, and Kristin Shisler Central Preston Middle School: Sherea Singer, Joan Carr, and Brian Miller Preston High School: Jenna Kirchartz, Michelle Rodich, Tiffany Hardy, Aubrey Watring, and Krystal McCoy South Preston School: Carmine Hammonds, Tracey Riekenberg, and Melinda Shaffer Terra Alta East Preston: Chris Urban West Preston School: Ellen Shubert Preston County Schools continued thanks goes out to the ongoing support from YCF, which is dedicated to providing additional opportunities and resources for students and teachers across North Central West Virginia, serving Harrison, Marion, Preston, Taylor, and Monongalia counties. Congratulations to all of Preston County's recipients.
2 months ago, Preston County Schools
A gathering of people standing proudly in front of a vibrant banner, celebrating togetherness and community spirit.
All Preston County 7th and 11th grade parents. There will be an informational meeting for all interested in being on next year's Buckwheat Court on December 2nd and 3rd at the KVFD Community Building at 6:30. You MUST attend one of the two meetings if interested in the court. Questions, contact
2 months ago, Preston County Schools
People in formal attire enjoying a colorful parade on a lively street, filled with excitement and celebration.
Congratulations to Mrs. Shisler, Mrs. Short, and Mr. Fischer on being awarded educator mini-grants from the YCF Foundation. They, along with several other Preston County teachers who received grants were recognized at a reception last night. #SchoolOfChampions #GoodThingsHappenHere
2 months ago, Jonas Knotts
Plan accordingly and come out and support your 2024-2025 Lady Knights Basketball Team whether in county or on the road. Gonna be a great season. Good luck ladies. Time to get to work!
2 months ago, Preston County Schools
A detailed schedule for the Preston varsity girls basketball team, highlighting all upcoming games and their respective times.
A couple of announcements: School picture re-takes are this Wednesday, November 20th. Last year's 8th graders can pick their yearbooks up in the office.
2 months ago, Jonas Knotts
Lunch Menu Change: Wednesday will now be: Turkey with gravy, mashed potatoes, green beans, dessert, fruit, milk Thursday will now be: spaghetti, bread stick, lima beans, fruit, milk
2 months ago, Jonas Knotts
Congratulations to our top donut sellers! 1st place: Wyatt Thomas 2nd place: Raeleann Thomas 3rd place: Maverick Sisler Thanks to the Lions Club for sponsoring cash prizes for our top sellers! 1st place - $100 2nd place - $75 3rd place - $50
2 months ago, Jonas Knotts
donut sellers
Menu Change: Due to the anticipated weather forecast, the Thanksgiving School Meal originally on the menu for this Thursday the 21st, will now be served on Wednesday the 20th just in case there's any kind of schedule change. We want to ensure that all of our students have the opportunity to enjoy a nice Thanksgiving Meal prior to break.
2 months ago, Preston County Schools
Silver lunch tray with 5 compartments - left is a blue fork, top middle is white milk carton, top right are two orange carrots and green celery, bottom middle are red strawberries and purple blueberries, and bottom right is a sandwich cut into two triangles with lettuce, cheese and tomato - the sign reads menu changes
A reminder that there will be a middle school girls basketball parent meeting for both varsity and JV tonight at 6:30 here at the school.
2 months ago, Jonas Knotts
PHS Theatre Department Proudly Presents: "The Play That Goes Wrong" November 21-23 @7:30PM Tickets are $7 Come enjoy and entertaining evening out and support our talented students.
2 months ago, Preston County Schools
black and red text
8th grade parents: wreath orders for the 8th grade trip fundraiser are due back this Thursday.
2 months ago, Jonas Knotts
We had 254 students with perfect attendance in October! Congratulations to Colton Fike, Lillian Crane, Jordyn Reckart, Darien Viola, and Laytun Lyons. They were our perfect attendance drawing winners!
3 months ago, Jonas Knotts
perfect attendance
Menu Change for Tuesday, 11-19. Due to an unavailability issue from distribution, the 19th will no longer be a BBQ Rib sandwich, but will be replaced with a bbq pulled pork sandwich. All other accompaniments are the same.
3 months ago, Preston County Schools
Silver lunch tray with 5 compartments - left is a blue fork, top middle is white milk carton, top right are two orange carrots and green celery, bottom middle are red strawberries and purple blueberries, and bottom right is a sandwich cut into two triangles with lettuce, cheese and tomato - the sign reads menu changes
Parents that are dropping off or picking up students must drive past the school to the lime shed, turn around, and make a right turn into the drop-off/pickup line. Do not block traffic by attempting to make a left turn into the line.
3 months ago, Jonas Knotts
Bruceton Academic Boosters will meet tomorrow at 6:00 in the cafeteria. All are welcome to attend.
3 months ago, Jonas Knotts
Today isn't just another day off from school or work. Preston County Schools will always honor and remember and would like to thank all our Veterans. We thank those who served, and those who are still serving. We are Preston Proud and Strong, because you've sacrificed so we can be. Thank you.
3 months ago, Preston County Schools
chalk board with thank you veterans written on it with the American flag behind it
Here is some artwork our elementary students created for today's Veterans program. #SchoolOfChampions #GoodThingsHappenHere
3 months ago, Jonas Knotts