Plan accordingly and come out and support your 2024-2025 Lady Knights Basketball Team whether in county or on the road. Gonna be a great season. Good luck ladies. Time to get to work!
Menu Change:
Due to the anticipated weather forecast, the Thanksgiving School Meal originally on the menu for this Thursday the 21st, will now be served on Wednesday the 20th just in case there's any kind of schedule change. We want to ensure that all of our students have the opportunity to enjoy a nice Thanksgiving Meal prior to break.
![Silver lunch tray with 5 compartments - left is a blue fork, top middle is white milk carton, top right are two orange carrots and green celery, bottom middle are red strawberries and purple blueberries, and bottom right is a sandwich cut into two triangles with lettuce, cheese and tomato - the sign reads menu changes](https://core-docs.s3.amazonaws.com/preston_county_schools_ar/live_feed_image/image/11874189/large_download__10_.jpg)
The Mobile Ag Lab recently visited KES! This was an exciting learning opportunity for all students in grades PreK through 4. Here, students participated in hands-on science labs and learning experiments using everyday household items, including making glue from milk, extracting DNA from strawberries, and taking a closer look at the parts of a worm.
This message is for families that KES shares with CPMS. On Thursday, November 21, CPMS will complete an evacuation drill which will lead to afternoon dismissal from the Craig Civic Center. Due to the proximity of their alternate dismissal location and KES, please be advised that busses may arrive at the elementary school a little sooner than usual. Other than that, you should be able to retrieve your children from the Fireman’s Field as you would on a regular day.
Thanksgiving Break is quickly approaching, and we hope students are ready to show up and learn all day, every day next week! To make things fun, we've got a spirit week all planned out! Monday: PJ Day; Tuesday: Crazy Sock Day; Wednesday: Hat Day; Thursday: Match Your Class Day; Friday: Sweat Suit Day
This is just a friendly reminder that the Smiles Dental Program will be at KES next Thursday, November 21st!
If you are interested in your child receiving this service but have not yet signed up, you can conveniently do so online at www.MySchoolDentist.com.
PHS Theatre Department Proudly Presents:
"The Play That Goes Wrong"
November 21-23 @7:30PM
Tickets are $7
Come enjoy and entertaining evening out and support our talented students.
![black and red text](https://core-docs.s3.amazonaws.com/preston_county_schools_ar/live_feed_image/image/11792072/large_preview-twitter.jpg)
Menu Change for Tuesday, 11-19. Due to an unavailability issue from distribution, the 19th will no longer be a BBQ Rib sandwich, but will be replaced with a bbq pulled pork sandwich. All other accompaniments are the same.
![Silver lunch tray with 5 compartments - left is a blue fork, top middle is white milk carton, top right are two orange carrots and green celery, bottom middle are red strawberries and purple blueberries, and bottom right is a sandwich cut into two triangles with lettuce, cheese and tomato - the sign reads menu changes](https://core-docs.s3.amazonaws.com/preston_county_schools_ar/live_feed_image/image/11727351/large_download__10_.jpg)
School year 23-24 yearbooks have arrived. If you purchased a yearbook it should be coming home with your child this week. If your child is now at CPMS, we will be sending those there. If you have not purchased a yearbook and would like to we have extra in the office. The cost of the yearbook is $16.00.
Today isn't just another day off from school or work. Preston County Schools will always honor and remember and would like to thank all our Veterans. We thank those who served, and those who are still serving. We are Preston Proud and Strong, because you've sacrificed so we can be. Thank you.
![chalk board with thank you veterans written on it with the American flag behind it](https://core-docs.s3.amazonaws.com/preston_county_schools_ar/live_feed_image/image/11681458/large_5suq1P41OXo9XqTy6n04XQ.png)
December Lunch and Breakfast Menus
![December 2024 lunch menu for Preston County Schools with logo in the corners and blue and red christmas tree bulbs on the top - snowflakes on a green border](https://core-docs.s3.amazonaws.com/preston_county_schools_ar/live_feed_image/image/11637864/large_DecemberLunch.jpg)
![December 2024 lunch menu for Preston County Schools with logo in the corners and blue and red christmas tree bulbs on the top - snowflakes on a green border](https://core-docs.s3.amazonaws.com/preston_county_schools_ar/live_feed_image/image/11637863/large_DecemberBreakfast.jpg)
The fall fundraiser items have arrived. We will send the items home with students. If you wish to pick up your items , you may do so between 10 am and 12 pm and 3 pm-4:30 pm today. If you have any questions please feel free to contact the school.
We apologize for the mix-up and are excited to announce that there was a THIRD pumpkin that survived our drop last Thursday! Congratulations to Miss Gallagher’s first graders! Their success goes to show that having a solid game plan and teamwork helps everyone come out on top! Wonderful job!
Looking for a fun way to spend a Saturday with the family? Come on out to the Craig Civic Center from 12:00-3:00PM on November 9th for KVFD’s Community Appreciation Day!
![KVFD Community Appreciation Day is THIS Saturday, November 9th!](https://core-docs.s3.amazonaws.com/preston_county_schools_ar/live_feed_image/image/11550828/large_IMG_5448.jpg)
Attention all veterans: Join us as we honor YOU on Friday, November 8th, at 1:00PM in the KES gym! Light refreshments immediately following the program in the Conference Room.
Get ready to smile, KES! Picture Day is tomorrow, Thursday, November 7th!
No two days are alike, and each day brings an opportunity to learn something new at Kingwood Elementary! Last week, each homeroom class in grades PreK through 4 designed a safety container for their pumpkin in an attempt to keep it intact after a fall from a raised fire truck ladder! This made for cross curricular learning, teamwork, and creativity inside our classrooms and outside in our parking lot. Two fourth grade classrooms, Mrs. Uphold’s and Mrs. Zigray’s, had pumpkins that survived the drop! Congratulations! Thank you to the Kingwood Volunteer Fire Department for donating time, manpower, and resources! Thank you to Kingwood Walmart for donating the pumpkins for this event! It takes a village, and we have a wonderful one! We'll see everyone tomorrow!
Kingwood Elementary wrapped up the month up October with contributions to our larger community while having a good time! Last Tuesday, staff and students paid $1.00 to wear pink. All proceeds benefited the Betty Puskar Breast Care Center in Morgantown. A celebration was held in the gym where there was a sea of pink, an informational video about the center was shown, and the $420 check written to the center was revealed/presented. A special thanks to PE teacher Kylie Phillips for organizing the event! To view a clip from the assembly, follow this link: https://wvk12-my.sharepoint.com/:v:/g/personal/speaslee_k12_wv_us/EWXUNFfnK9FBrxshiPjAOLcBEPjXXJGIfRZYoZ9NyIXlzw?e=XEEJ21&nav=eyJyZWZlcnJhbEluZm8iOnsicmVmZXJyYWxBcHAiOiJTdHJlYW1XZWJBcHAiLCJyZWZlcnJhbFZpZXciOiJTaGFyZURpYWxvZy1MaW5rIiwicmVmZXJyYWxBcHBQbGF0Zm9ybSI6IldlYiIsInJlZmVycmFsTW9kZSI6InZpZXcifX0%3D
Good evening. Just a reminder that tomorrow, November 5th, Election Day, there is no school for students and staff in Preston County. Again, tomorrow the 5th, there will be no school for students in Preston County. See you all back Wednesday.
![Yellow post-it note with no school on it in black](https://core-docs.s3.amazonaws.com/preston_county_schools_ar/live_feed_image/image/11524741/large_large_download__7_.jpg)
Nearly 18% of the way towards our goal countywide.
Keep up the great work and reading kids!!!
![multiple books of different colors stacked next to a thermometer reading 1775 books read towards 10,000 goal](https://core-docs.s3.amazonaws.com/preston_county_schools_ar/live_feed_image/image/11524571/large_October_Beanstack_progress.png)