Let’s kick off Dr. Seuss Week in our PJs! Getting up on Monday morning is tough sometimes, so KES is making it easier to get up and get out the door with one less step! Tomorrow we’ll celebrate reading in our pajamas with Dr. Seuss’ Sleep Book.
12 months ago, Samantha Peaslee
Dr. Seuss Spirit Week at KES will kick off Monday with Pajama Day
Attention, KES Families: This Friday, March 1st, will be Student-Led Data Conferences from 5-6PM followed by Dr. Seuss Night in the gym from 6-7PM! Be sure to come join the fun! Please see your child's teacher for specific information regarding conference questions
12 months ago, Samantha Peaslee
Student-led data conferences and Dr. Seuss Night will be held this Friday, March 1st
Help us celebrate Dr. Seuss Spirit Week February 26 – March 1! Monday, February 26 Dr. Seuss’s Sleep Book – Wear your PJs Tuesday, February 27 Fox in Socks – Wear silly socks Wednesday, February 28 Wacky Wednesday – Dress mismatched/wacky Thursday, February 29 My Many Colored Days – Wear your favorite colors Friday, March 1 Cat in the Hat – Wear your favorite hat
about 1 year ago, Samantha Peaslee
Help us celebrate Dr. Seuss Spirit Week February 26 – March 1!
KES Parent Pickup: For safety reasons as well as decreased communication between the Fireman's Field and gym due to heavy rain and thunder/LIGHTENING, please proceed to the gym to pick up your children ASAP.
about 1 year ago, Samantha Peaslee
Attention, KES Families: Next Friday, March 1st, will be Student-Led Data Conferences from 5-6PM followed by Dr. Seuss Night in the gym from 6-7PM! Be sure to come join the fun! Please see your child's teacher for specific information regarding conference questions.
about 1 year ago, Samantha Peaslee
Student-Led Data Conferences and Dr. Seuss Night will be held on Friday, March 1st
The grade with the most collected items will win a pizza party donated by the "Let your Light Shine" organization who is coordinating the Easter meal giveaway.
about 1 year ago, Samantha Peaslee
Preston County Schools are collecting food items for the county-wide Easter meal giveaway
There have been some changes related to Saturday's Middle School Basketball Championship related to potential winter weather. The Boys' Varsity game between West Preston and Central Preston is still scheduled for 10 AM at the Preston High School Gym. Spectators may enter at 9 AM. The preliminaries for the boys' and girls' skills competitions will immediately follow the boys' championship game and will begin at approximately 11:30 AM. These preliminaries will determine the finalists for these competitions with the boys' finalists competing at halftime of the girls' championship game and the girls' finalists competing at halftime of the boys' JV game. The Girls' Varsity game between Terra Alta / East Preston and Central Preston will begin at approximately 1 PM. Finally, the Boys' JV Championship between Central Preston and West Preston will take place immediately following the girls' championship game at approximately 2:30 PM. We look forward to seeing everyone on Saturday! The games will also be broadcast on Mountain Digital and on the Preston High YouTube channel at www.youtube.com/@phsn7016.
about 1 year ago, Brad Martin
Community announcement: Kingwood Grasshopper tryouts will be held on Monday, February 19th and Tuesday, February 20th. Boys Stags (grade 3&4) KES 5:30-6:30 pm, Boys Wildcats (grades 5&6) KES 6:30 - 7:30 pm, Girls Stags & Wildcats CPMS 7 - 8:30 pm.
about 1 year ago, Preston County Schools
Kingwood Grasshopper Basketball Tryouts will be held Monday and Tuesday, February 19 and 20. Boys Staggs (grades 3 and 4) will be held at KES from 5:30 - 6:30 pm, Boys Wildcats (grades 5 and 6) will be held at KES from 6:30- 7:30 pm, Girls Staggs (grades 3 and 4) and Girls Wildcats will be held at CPMS from 7 - 8:30 pm.
Our fourth graders are at the Preston County Social Studies Fair! Good luck!
about 1 year ago, Samantha Peaslee
KES is at the Preston County Social Studies Fair
Grandfamilies Program - Preston County - provides educational workshops that provide support to grandparent caregivers. They will cover the day-to-day challenges that happen while raising a grandchild. The program is free to attend and will be held in the evening for two hours. For more information or to register call 304-329-1968. Bruceton Mills - North Preston Senior Center - April 5, 7, 12, 14, 19, 21,26, 28 Masontown - Valley District Senior Center - July 19, 21, 26, 28, Aug 2, 4, 9, 11 Aurora Community Bldg - October 4, 6, 11, 13, 18, 20, 25, 27
about 1 year ago, Preston County Schools
Grandfamilies Program - Preston County - provides educational workshops that provide support to grandparent caregivers. They will cover the day-to-day challenges that happen while raising a grandchild. The program is free to attend and will be held in the evening for two hours. For more information or to register call 304-329-1968
Do your best on the iReady tests this week, KES!
about 1 year ago, Samantha Peaslee
Stomper wants to remind all students to show what you know and do your best on the iReady tests this week!
This announcment is to advise on the status of extra curricular activities today. The scheduled JV boys' basketball games at Central Preston will proceed tonight as scheduled. The scheduled home varsity boys' basektball game with Hampshire has been rescheduled to tomorrow night s a result of Hampshire being out of school today. The PHS Booster Club meeting tonight has been rescheduled for Thursday, February 22nd; the status of the JV Girls' Basketball game scheduled at Petersburg has not yet been communcated from Petersburg's AD. Finally, all other middle & high school teams may practice tonight. The status of practice should be communicated by each individual coach or by the school.
about 1 year ago, Brad Martin
Kingwood Elementary School Student Council collected items to donate to the Preston County Animal Shelter. What a way to show respect and take responsibility by supporting a local agency that meets a very important need in our community!
about 1 year ago, Samantha Peaslee
Student Council Members collect items to donate to the Preston County Animal Shelter
Preston County Schools will be closed for today, Tuesday, February 13th & today will be a “Brain Freeze” Day. Students do not report, while maintenance, mechanics, & custodians report on a regular schedule, while all other staff reports on a 2-hour delay. Advisements for bus drivers & transportation staff will be communicated by Mr. Plum. Day-to-day substitute personnel should not to report unless they are directed to do so. All schools will be open from 10 to 12 for students who require assistance. Resources on Brain Freeze can be found on the county and all school websites. Finally, the status on all afterschool activities will be announced later today.
about 1 year ago, Brad Martin
Preston County Schools will be closed for today, Tuesday, February 13th & it’s a “Brain Freeze” day. Students do not report. Teachers & most staff will be report on a 2-hour delay & will be available to answer student & parent questions throughout the day. Students may come to school sites from 10 AM to 12 PM for help with their Brain Freeze activities. Lunches at each school site will be available from 11:30-1:00 PM as well. Parents, please contact the school by 10 AM if you would like to request a meal. Resources on Brain Freeze can be found on the county and all school websites. The status on all afterschool activities will be announced later today.
about 1 year ago, Brad Martin
Preston County Schools will operate on a 2-hour delay for today, Tuesday, February 13th. Maintenance, mechanics, & custodians report on a regular schedule, & all other students & staff will report on a 2-hour delay.
about 1 year ago, Brad Martin
Preston County Schools Snowball Fight Reading Challenge current standings: Bruceton, Fellowsville, South, Aurora, Rowlesburg, Central, TAEP, West, and Kingwood.
about 1 year ago, Preston County Schools
PCS Snowball Fight Reading Challenge current standings: Bruceton, Fellowsville, South, Aurora, Rowlesburg, Central, TAEP, West, and Kingwood
Preston County Schools gives a big shout out to all of our awesome school counselors in appreciation of National School Counseling Week! Thank you!
about 1 year ago, Preston County Schools
PCS says thank you to all of our awesome school counselors. We hope you had a wonderful week of celebrating National School Counselor Week!
Help Preston County Schools celebrate National School Counselor Week, February 5 - 9, 2024 by sharing with us your story about how your school counselor helped you. Tag us #PCSschoolcounselorweek.
about 1 year ago, Preston County Schools
PCS celebrates National School Counseling Week. Celebrate with us by telling us how your school counselor helped you. Tag us #PCSschoolcounselorweek