Preston County Schools Upcoming Staff Wellness Challenge: Don't let time be an excuse to not take care of you. We're only at our best, because you're at your best. From November through February (4 Months), Staff is invited to participate in a wellness challenge. You can do this for personal benefit, pride, or county bragging rights. At the end of each month, certify yourself at the link provided on that month’s calendar (posted on Facebook). 6 winners will be chosen each month to receive a “Preston Strong” hat, courtesy of Affordable Signs Unlimited. Those 24 winners will also be placed into a drawing in March for a grand prize (TBD, but a goodie). The county will also keep track of school submissions and will post our "Top Schools" each month.
4 months ago, Preston County Schools
Preston County Schools logo top left corner; black and white hats bottom left corner; barbell bottom left corner; flyer with information on upcoming wellness challenge
Please join KES as we honor our veterans on Friday, November 8th, at 1:00PM in the Multi-Purpose Room. Light refreshments will be provided afterwards. If you would like to recognize a special veteran in our slideshow, please send photos to Diana Hayes at by October 28th.
4 months ago, Samantha Peaslee
KES will honor our veterans on Friday, Nov. 8th
Thank you all for the help with Coin Wars! Mrs. Jones' Class was the winner and had a pizza party with movie last Friday! We would also like to recognize Mr. O's Class--they only have 10 students, and their class raised over $100.00! We are so thankful! KES was thrilled to celebrate everyone's success last Thursday at recess with everyone enjoying a popsicle on the playground! Because of your generosity, our PTA will be able to provide fun activities for students and their families throughout the year.
4 months ago, Samantha Peaslee
PTA Coin Wars was a success once again!
PTA Coin Wars was a success once again!
PTA Coin Wars was a success once again!
Students at Kingwood Elementary continued to develop their mathematical minds this past week. Students in Mrs. Sheets’ Second Grade Class worked with shoulder partners to share their own definitions of repeated addition. Meanwhile, in third grade, students in Mrs. Borror’s MTSS group worked to create their own robots. The only requirement was that each body part had to contain a specified area. We can’t wait to see where math will take these students next!
4 months ago, Samantha Peaslee
Second-grade students explain repeated addition in their own words.
Third-grade students create robots using area.
Tomorrow begins National School Lunch Week. President John F. Kennedy created National School Lunch Week (NSLW) in 1962 to promote the importance of a healthy school lunch in a child's life, and the impact it has inside and outside of the classroom. We have selected fan favorites to highlight the week, as well as focusing on a "farm to table" day on Wednesday, featuring WV pork and fruits. And as always in Preston County Schools, all students eat for FREE.
4 months ago, Preston County Schools
School lunch menu
Image of a farm with two farmers harvesting vegetables
This is a reminder that tomorrow, Thursday, October 10th, Student-Led Data Conferences at KES will be held from 4-6PM. Chat with your child's teacher, view some of their work, talk with our guidance counselor and other members of Student Support Services, and get some help reading your child's ESGI and iReady reports.
4 months ago, Samantha Peaslee
Data conferences will be held Thursday, Oct. 10th
Parents-We will be doing a STEAM activity in November. We are asking that you send in paper towel and/or toilet paper rolls. We appreciate your support in providing this learning opportunity to all students. Thank you in advance!
4 months ago, Kim Lansberry
Next week is National School Lunch Week. President John F. Kennedy created National School Lunch Week (NSLW) in 1962 to promote the importance of a healthy school lunch in a child's life, and the impact it has inside and outside of the classroom. We have selected fan favorites to highlight the week, as well as focusing on a "farm to table" day on Wednesday, featuring WV pork and fruits. And as always in Preston County Schools, all students eat for FREE.
4 months ago, Preston County Schools
Picture of two farmers, one with a wheel barrell and other with a shovel in front of their crops with the word farm to table bolded above
pictures of lunch trays and the week's school lunch menu on it
At KES, our students’ social successes are shining right alongside their academic ones! Students in grades K-4 demonstrating September’s PurposeFULL People Character Trait, Respect, were recognized last week. These students were nominated by their classmates and see the value in all people and things and treat them with care. Meanwhile, students in Mrs. Davis’ Class worked on taking turns, following rules, and communicating with peers through games. Can’t wait to see what we’ve got in store for our Stags this week?! Be at KES from 7:35-2:25 and find out!!
4 months ago, Samantha Peaslee
KES students are recognized for demonstrating the PurposeFULL People Character Trait for September, Respect
Students in Mrs. Davis' Class work on taking turns, following rules, and communicating through games
Don't forget that LSIC and PTA will meet tomorrow evening, Monday, October 7th! LSIC will meet in the KES library starting at 5PM followed by PTA at 6PM. Hope to see you there!
4 months ago, Samantha Peaslee
LSIC and PTA will meet in the KES library starting at 5PM on October 7th
Join us this Thursday, October 10th, from 4-6PM for Student-Led Data Conferences at KES. Chat with your child's teacher, view some of their work, talk with our guidance counselor and other members of Student Support Services, and get some help reading your child's ESGI and iReady reports.
4 months ago, Samantha Peaslee
Student-Led Data Conferences will be held Oct. 10th from 4-6PM at KES
Mt Food Bank Mobile Food Pantry Tuesday, October 8, 2024 Civic Ctr Parking Lot Distribution: 11am-12:30pm
4 months ago, Preston County Schools
Truck on Top with words mobile food pantry. 2024 food giveaway down the right sign. Information in the middle.
KES Students: School Store will open TOMORROW, Friday, October 4th! Store will be open from 12:30-12:50. Items range from $0.50 to $2.50. There’s a variety of items to choose from! Let the shopping begin!
4 months ago, Samantha Peaslee
School Store will open tomorrow, Friday, October 4th
Parents/Guardians and students, please take a moment to complete a short survey related to school meals. The results of this survey will help in making menus that are more appealing to our students. Thank you.
4 months ago, Preston County Schools
All students eat free in all caps and picture of lunch tray with fruit, veggies, sandwich and water bottle
KES Local School Improvement Council and PTA will meet on Monday, October 7th. LSIC will meet in the library at 5PM followed by PTA at 6PM. Hope to see you there!
4 months ago, Samantha Peaslee
LSIC and PTA will meet in the KES library starting at 5PM on October 7th
October 2nd is National Custodial Worker's Recognition Day. Preston County Schools would like to show our appreciation and invite all to show theirs to our hard-working custodians who keep our schools and workplaces across the county clean, safe and running smoothly. We have the best!
4 months ago, Preston County Schools
Thank You up top. red cleaning glove and cleaning supplies down below with custodian appreciation day
There is a miscommunication on the calendar showing that next Friday, October 11th is a 2-hour early dismissal. This is an error and will actually be a full day for students and staff. Our apologies for any confusion. All upcoming dates are correct, but subject to change due to weather or other circumstances.
4 months ago, Preston County Schools
Bell ringing with words regular schedule
Preston County Schools will be offering substitute certification classes for the following service personnel positions: Cooks - Tuesday, October 8th at 9:00 AM, Custodians - Wednesday, October 9th at 9:00 AM, and Aides - Friday, October 18th at 8:00 AM. All classes are held in the PCS BOE Board Room. Please go to to apply and email if interested in attending or getting more information.
4 months ago, Preston County Schools
Pencils in the corners; template is a text explaining the dates of substitute classes from the message; preston county school website is listed
Preston County Schools will be dismissing all schools two-hour early today in line with the posted academic calendar. We hope our students, parents, and staff enjoy the extended weekend break.
5 months ago, Brad Martin
5 months ago, Samantha Peaslee