It's been a beautiful week to be outside. Our PK kiddos went on a nature hike and identified and learned about 14 native plants on the school grounds. They brought them inside to start some science experiments and plants of their own!
Tonight's home volleyball game here at Bruceton against Davis/Thomas Middle is cancelled (Thursday, September 11th).
Just a reminder that Bruceton School has Krispy Kreme donuts for sale. You can place an order with any student. Orders and money are due back by Friday, September 20th. All the funds help with instructional supplies, classroom and school upgrades, and more. Thank you for your help and support.
Our elementary kids let their minds go crazy today as Mr. Fischer's art classes celebrated International Dot Day. Kids made all kinds of art works out of individual dots.
Bus 129 will be running late this evening. Students are being assigned to another bus to finish the route.
9/11 Remembrance: We will never forget that twenty-three years ago, on September 11, 2001, at 8:46 am Eastern time, the United States of America came under attack from 19 Al-Qaeda Terrorists, as they crashed a jet filled with people into World Trade Center North Tower in New York City. At 9:03, a second jet struck the South Tower, and at 9:37 the Pentagon was hit by a third plane. At 9:59, the South Tower collapsed, and 8 minutes later, Flight 93 crashed in a field in Pennsylvania as passengers attempted to stop the terrorists who were headed for the White House or the Capital. At 10:28, the North Tower collapsed. 2996 people died that morning and in that 2-hour time span, the world as we once knew it, changed forever. It was the first time most of us did not feel safe in our own country and had no idea what would happen next. Brave men and women gave their lives to try to save others and it took months to clear the debris. If you ever have the chance to visit New York City, take the time to visit the 9/11 memorial and museum. It is a life changing experience. As we observe our moments of silence today, please take the time to remember the events of 9/11. Twenty-Three years later, there are still thousands of families affected by the tragedy. And even though you might not realize it, your lives changed that day, even for our students not yet born. Today, let's all take a moment or moments of silence, remember and reflect. Always Remember. Never Forget.
Good evening Preston County. Today, all students, grades 4-8, were given a letter explaining how to retrieve their state testing results from this past May. The letter includes both a link to the detailed score report and a video. Please take the time to review these and go over them with your student. Thank you.
There will be a fundraiser meeting for 8th grade parents regarding the annual 8th grade trip on Wednesday, September 11th at 6pm in the cafeteria. All 8th grade parents are welcome to attend.
Good evening. The changes from the WV Department of Ed on attendance, Policy 4110, as it relates to excused and unexcused absences, has been posted and updated on the county site, as well as an informational graphic has been posted to answer any questions. Again, PCS operates with complete adherence to state policies.
Bruceton Academic Boosters will meet Tuesday, September 10th in the cafeteria at 6:00. All are welcome to attend.
Parents, fans, and community members can purchase a season pass for Bulldog home volleyball games this season. The cost is $25 and covers all home games except for playoffs. The deadline to purchase is noon on Monday. You can purchase through SchoolCashOnline at this link:
Next week, we will be featuring a NEW menu item for lunch, MOZZARELLA STICKS on Tuesday, the 10th. Be sure to try these, and then vote when the next survey comes out if you'd like to keep them as a regular menu item.
We love our local businesses and how much they support our students. Cecilia's Macarons & Sweets and Sugar Plum's Bakery recently collected school supplies for Preston County Schools. We can't thank you all enough.
There has been an increase in cold, respiratory illness, and strep throat in our school. We are also experiencing students with a low-grade fevers. If your child has a fever, please consider keeping him/her home until he/she is fever free without fever reducing medication for 24 hours. Please make sure to practice effective hygiene by washing your hands, disinfecting hard surfaces, and using correct coughing and sneezing etiquette.
Congratulations to the Bruceton Middle School Cross Country team. Both teams placed 2nd at the Lightning XC meet at Broadford Lake Park on Thursday. Tyler Parks placed first for the boys, followed by Eli Parker in 5th, Braden Armstrong in 9th, Colt Spiker in 13th, and Colton Everline in 15th for the top scorers.
On the girls side, Miranda Poe placed 5th, Eileen Parks placed 8th, Bailee Waybright placed 9th, Callie Thaler placed 12th, and Colleen Eisentrout 19th.
The Bulldogs will compete again on Saturday at the Chick-Fil-A invite.
After reviewing the needs of younger students, the school, & working with the WVDE, a revised afternoon bus schedule for driver Kyle Lee , Bus #123 , will be implemented starting Monday Sept. 9th. Info on this change was sent with students earlier this week. Please contact the school or bus garage with any questions.
This week's #PrestonCountyReads focus is phonics. Use the # to share your use of the tip. Keep reading Preston County.
A reminder for parents: if your student travels on the bus to a daycare or stop other than their regular stop, parents must complete an alternate bus form each school year. Here is a link to the form and students can turn it into their homeroom teacher.
Mrs. Vrabel’s 4th grade is working through our new iReady math program in teams to analyze how place value impacts addition and subtraction. Teamwork with deep math discussions are important!
Parents, fans, and community members can purchase a season pass for Bulldog home volleyball games this season. The cost is $25 and covers all home volleyball games except for playoffs. The deadline to purchase is noon on Monday, September 9th. You can purchase through SchoolCashOnline at this link: