Next Friday is our annual Veterans Day program here at Bruceton School. We'd like to invite all area Veterans to attend it as well as our Veterans Breakfast. The breakfast begins at 8:00am in the cafeteria and the program is at 9:00 in the gym.
Good evening. Just a reminder that tomorrow, November 5th, Election Day, there is no school for students and staff in Preston County. Again, tomorrow the 5th, there will be no school for students in Preston County. See you all back Wednesday.
Nearly 18% of the way towards our goal countywide.
Keep up the great work and reading kids!!!
Kindergarten learned about election day and what it means to vote! They participated in their own mock presidential election.
Middle school boys basketball will have an informational parent meeting next Friday at 5:00pm to go over tryout information. All athletes must have a sports physical from this school year on file to participate in tryouts.
Middle school boys basketball flex practices will be from 3-5pm next Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, and Friday with an after-school study hall provided by coaches in the cafeteria from 2:24 to 3:00.Athletes will be expected to do school work during this time. Please bring a water bottle and appropriate practice clothing.
Next Friday is our annual Veterans Day program here at Bruceton School. We'd like to invite all area Veterans to attend it as well as our Veterans Breakfast. The breakfast begins at 8:00am in the cafeteria and the program is at 9:00 in the gym.
Last year our elementary student council made it their mission to leave a positive mark on the library. Today, members of last year's elementary student council dedicated a suggestion box for kids to suggest books to add to the library. They'll be using money they've raised to buy kid-requested books requested through the suggestion box. They've already said some of the first books on their list are more graphic novels and books from the I Survived series.
"Why do our skeletons have so many bones?" Perfect day to examine that question in Mrs. Strawser's 3rd grade science lesson today.
Our 4 to grade team loves dry erase markers!
Tomorrow is Team Day. Make sure to wear your favorite team colors and gear.
Middle school girls basketball tryouts will be Monday November 4th from 5-7 and Wednesday November 6th from 5-7. Students must have a current athletic physical on file or bring one to the first evening of tryouts.
Here are some pictures from costume day. Our kiddos had some wonderful and creative costumes.
Today for Costume Day, our 5th graders dressed up as idioms. See if you can figure out what they're supposed to be!
Our Pre-K team loves the story of Robin Hood!
The Preston County Consolidated Middle School Wrestling Team (Squires Wrestling) will have two informational meetings along with sign-ups on Monday, November 4, 2024, and Friday, November 8, 2024, at 6:00PM at the new wrestling facility at the Preston High School Campus. If you are unable to attend any of the two meetings you can also sign up online with, the following link, visit our Facebook Page or contact your school office. Thank you .
Where's our first grade team at ...? Can you find them?
Ancient Egypt is the topic today in 7th grade social studies. Students worked to create a 3D graphic organizer with steps of building a pyramid.
Tomorrow is Costume Day. Just remember that all costumes must be school appropriate, not have any masks or anything that covers the face, and not have any props or items that could be considered dangerous or a weapon.
With the exception of Aurora's 6th-8th grades (due to technical difficulties), your student should've brought their first grading period report home with them today. Please go over this with your student and if you have any questions or concerns, please reach out to your student's teacher(s) and/or administration.