Preston County Schools will operate on a two-hour delay for today, Tuesday, November 30th. Maintenance, mechanics, & custodians, report on a regular schedule; and all other students and staff report on a two-hour delay. This message is from PCS using the Thrillshare automated calling system.
about 3 years ago, Brad Martin
Here is the link to the weekly COVID list for Friday, November 19, 2021. Masks will be optional in all buildings for the week of November 29, 2021
about 3 years ago, Preston County Schools
Covid Nov 19
Just a reminder that tomorrow, Friday, November 19th will be a 3 hour early dismissal.
about 3 years ago, Preston County Schools
early out
Parent-Teacher conferences will be held from 4:00-6:00 on December 7, 2021. Local School Improvement Committee meets on December 13 in the cafeteria at 5:00. Please attend these if you can.
about 3 years ago, James Hoit
MASK MANDATE for week of November 15, 2021 Here is the link to the weekly covid list for Friday, November 12, 2021
about 3 years ago, Preston County Schools
Covid Nov 12
Parent-Teacher Conferences will be held from 4:00-6:00 on December 7.
over 3 years ago, James Hoit
Preston County Schools was recently awarded funding from the E-Rate Emergency Connectivity Fund to help provide improved internet access to students and staff members with either inadequate or no home internet access. The school district will be able to issue up to 500 internet hotspots with access through June 30, 2022 to applicants that apply at the following link: This link will be open through next Wednesday, November 17, 2021 at 6:00 PM. School hotspot distribution events or deliveries will be organized following closure of the survey during the remainder of November. If you have any questions about this program, please contact Mr. Brad Martin at (304) 329-0580 ext. 225 or by email at
over 3 years ago, Brad Martin
Instructions for the Parent/Caregiver Survey Below are the administration instructions for the Fall 2021 WV School Learning Environment Survey for parents or caregivers of students at: South Preston School, Preston County The online parent survey will be available from October 11 through November 19, 2021. You may complete the survey from any computer with an internet connection. You are asked to complete an online survey about school climate—the learning and teaching/working conditions—to help guide school improvement efforts. We value your feedback. The results of this survey will be used to make changes in your child's school to ensure a supportive environment for teaching and learning. Parent participation in the survey is very important. If you have questions about the survey or have problems completing the survey, please contact your child's school. When you log onto the survey you will see explanatory information about the survey and the important information below as to your rights as a survey participant: Your participation is voluntary. You may choose not to participate; not to answer any questions you do not want to answer; and you may stop participating at any time during the survey without penalty. Your responses will be anonymous and confidential. Access the Survey at: Enter this code to start the survey: P070106
over 3 years ago, James Hoit
The week of November 8th will be a busy week for staff and students.. All students will be taught two lessons to learn about digital citizenship and rules of the iPad and laptop. iReady growth monitoring assessment will take place along with Veterans Day activities. There is no school on Thursday in honor of Veterans Day.
over 3 years ago, Preston County Schools
Nov. 8th
Mask mandate for the week of November 8, 2021 Here is the link to the weekly covid list for Friday, November 5, 2021.
over 3 years ago, Preston County Schools
covid nov 5
The glitch in the JumpRope (grades K-5) welcome emails has been fixed. A welcome email has been sent to your child's K12 email address with login credentials. The username will be your child's full email address and the password will be your child's FULL student ID (WVEIS) number.
over 3 years ago, Preston County Schools
jumprope fixed
There was a glitch in the JumpRope (grades K-5) welcome emails not including the password. We are working to resolve it. We will resend welcome emails when the problem is resolved.
over 3 years ago, Preston County Schools
JumpRope Issue
PCS Calendar Change - November 19, 2021 will be a 3 hour early dismissal.
over 3 years ago, Preston County Schools
Calendar Change
Michelle Berry, Elementary Curriculum Director, explains where to get information on Standards Based Grading for students in grades K-5. Please check out our webpage and app. Students and Familes/Curriculum and Instruction
over 3 years ago, Preston County Schools
SB Report Card
The Squires Unified Wrestling Team would like to invite any middle school boy or girl in grades 6th, 7th, or 8th that is interested in participating in the upcoming wrestling season to an informational meeting on Tuesday, November 2, 2021 at 6:30 PM at the Wrestling Barn below Preston High School. This message is from Preston County Schools using the Apptegy System.
over 3 years ago, Brad Martin
The Squires Unified Wrestling Team would like to invite any middle school boy or girl in grades 6th, 7th, or 8th that is interested in participating in the upcoming wrestling season to an informational meeting on Tuesday, November 2, 2021 at the Wrestling Barn below Preston High School. This message is from Preston County Schools using the Apptegy System.
over 3 years ago, Brad Martin
Here is the link to the weekly covid list for Friday, October 29, 2021 Here is the link to Mr. Wotring's Video with the explanation of how mask mandates will work in the month of November. We will be under a Mask Mandate for the Week of November 1, 2021 Here is the website link to the WVDHHR map that PCS will be using
over 3 years ago, Preston County Schools
covid oct 29
Mask Mandate explanation from Superintendent, Steve Wotring for week of November 1st.
over 3 years ago, Preston County Schools
In case of rain tomorrow, we will have our parade inside. Guests are required to wear masks, unless there is a medical exemption. This is for the safety of all. Masks will be available. If you have any questions, email me at Happy Halloween and see you tomorrow!!!
over 3 years ago, James Hoit
The 2021-22 Squires Wrestling Season is right around the corner! We will be having an informational meeting for anyone interested (boys and girls grades 6-8) on Tuesday, November 2, 2021 at 6:30 in the Wrestling Barn!
over 3 years ago, James Hoit