Mask mandate for the week of November 8, 2021
Here is the link to the weekly covid list for Friday, November 5, 2021.
The glitch in the JumpRope (grades K-5) welcome emails has been fixed. A welcome email has been sent to your child's K12 email address with login credentials. The username will be your child's full email address and the password will be your child's FULL student ID (WVEIS) number.
There was a glitch in the JumpRope (grades K-5) welcome emails not including the password. We are working to resolve it. We will resend welcome emails when the problem is resolved.
National Children's Book Week
PCS Calendar Change - November 19, 2021 will be a 3 hour early dismissal.
Kingwood Elementary would like to congratulate the winners of the PTA Hog raffle. The 4 winners are Mike Peaslee, Danyelle Burke, Monica Bierg and Audrey Pinti. We will be contacting the winners to let them know how they can pick up their half of hog. A big thank you to everyone that supported our raffle!
Michelle Berry, Elementary Curriculum Director, explains where to get information on Standards Based Grading for students in grades K-5. Please check out our webpage and app. Students and Familes/Curriculum and Instruction
Due to the kitchen not receiving some of their shipments, we will have a few changes this week in the menu. Tuesday in place of the waffle will be a breadstick and on Wednesday we will have chili in place of the tomato soup. Sorry for the changes!
Here is the link to the weekly covid list for Friday, October 29, 2021
Here is the link to Mr. Wotring's Video with the explanation of how mask mandates will work in the month of November. We will be under a Mask Mandate for the Week of November 1, 2021
Here is the website link to the WVDHHR map that PCS will be using
Mask Mandate explanation from Superintendent, Steve Wotring for week of November 1st.
Good morning! Families, this is just a friendly reminder that you should be dropping your children off at their designated outside areas in the mornings if you choose to walk with them. Staff is more than happy to assist your children while walking inside of our buildings. Our effort is to keep everyone safe, and the less traffic we have throughout our buildings in the mornings, the better able we are to do this. If you need to see Miss Kim, the nurse, or principal, please let someone know so you can wait at the Main Office to do so. Thanks!
Learn about after school programs through Lights On Night to be held TOMORROW, WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 27TH!
PTA-sponsored Fall Parade and Trunk or Treat will be held immediately after Student Led Data Conferences on Wednesday, October 27th at 6PM! See your child's teacher from 4-6PM to get your ticket to participate!
Join us for Student Led Data Conferences TOMORROW, WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 27th from 4-6PM! Chat with your child’s teacher, view some of their work, and get a ticket for our PTA sponsored Fall Parade and Trunk or Treat immediately following!
Don't forget to purchase your hog raffle tickets! Drawing will be held on Monday, November 1st. Tickets will be available during tomorrow evening's Data Conferences, Trunk or Treat, and Lights On activities.
Preston County Schools Celebrates Farm to School
Wednesday, October 27, 2021
We will be serving sausage gravy over biscuits for lunch.
The sausage is purchased from PHS animal processing.
Last call for chances on 1/2 hog. Each ticket is $5 and gives you 4 chances to win! You can send in your $ with your child and we will send back your tickets. All money and unsold tickets are due Tuesday!! Drawing is November 1!!!
Here is the link to the weekly covid list for Friday, October 22, 2021.
This is a reminder about morning drop off procedures. There is no parking in the drop off lane for any amount of time. If you would like to walk your child to the door, you may park at Lobb's, or on fireman's field. There is no drop off in the parking lot until 7:35 without special permit. Your cooperation with following these procedures not only sets a good example for the students, but also displays your concern for every child's safety! Thank you.
Data conferences will be October 27th from 4:00 to 6:00. Lights on After School will run from 5:00 to 7:00. Students will receive tickets for each activity and vendor visited. Tickets will be used for prizes given away in the multipurpose room. Save one ticket to participate in the Trunk or Treat!