Last call for chances on 1/2 hog. Each ticket is $5 and gives you 4 chances to win! You can send in your $ with your child and we will send back your tickets. All money and unsold tickets are due Tuesday!! Drawing is November 1!!!
almost 3 years ago, Jill Zeigler
Here is the link to the weekly covid list for Friday, October 22, 2021.
almost 3 years ago, Preston County Schools
Oct 22 covid list
This is a reminder about morning drop off procedures. There is no parking in the drop off lane for any amount of time. If you would like to walk your child to the door, you may park at Lobb's, or on fireman's field. There is no drop off in the parking lot until 7:35 without special permit. Your cooperation with following these procedures not only sets a good example for the students, but also displays your concern for every child's safety! Thank you.
almost 3 years ago, Jill Zeigler
Data conferences will be October 27th from 4:00 to 6:00. Lights on After School will run from 5:00 to 7:00. Students will receive tickets for each activity and vendor visited. Tickets will be used for prizes given away in the multipurpose room. Save one ticket to participate in the Trunk or Treat!
almost 3 years ago, Jill Zeigler
Come see how your child is doing and stay for the party!
almost 3 years ago, Jill Zeigler
Lights On After School 10/27
RED Ribbon Week will be October 25-29, 2021!
almost 3 years ago, Samantha Peaslee
RED Ribbon Week
Bus 101, Jay Kelley in the Kingwood Area will not make his AM/PM run on Wednesday, 10/20. Students will not be marked absent.
almost 3 years ago, Preston County Schools
cancel bus run
Due to the food shortages the menu for October 21, 2021 will be changing. We will be having Creamed chicken over biscuits, broccoli, cucumbers, fruit and milk.
almost 3 years ago, Kim Lansberry
Only 8 days until the Scholastic Book Fair!
almost 3 years ago, Samantha Peaslee
8 Days Till Book Fair!
Bus 101, Jay Kelley, in the Kingwood area is running late due to mechanical problems.
almost 3 years ago, Preston County Schools
Candy donations for the KES School Parade to be held the night of Data Conferences will be accepted through Monday, October 25th.
almost 3 years ago, Samantha Peaslee
Candy Donations
Don't miss your chance to win 1/2 a hog to fill your freezer this winter!
almost 3 years ago, Samantha Peaslee
Hog Raffle Tickets on Sale
We are looking for some parents that would be interested in volunteering to work our Scholastic Book Fair. The fair will be running from Monday, October 25th until Friday, October 29th. The hours we need volunteers to work are from 7:30 am until 10:00 am. Each class has been assigned a thirty minute time slot during the week. Please message Shelley Shaffer if you can volunteer for any of the days. Thank you so much!!
almost 3 years ago, Kim Lansberry
Here is the link to the weekly covid list for October 15, 2021
almost 3 years ago, Preston County Schools
covid oct 15
Raffle tickets are now on sale for half a hog. Tickets are $5 each and give you four chances to win. To purchase tickets, send your money in a sealed envelope. Put your child's name and the amount enclosed on the outside of the envelope and we will return your tickets home with your child. Better yet, if you would like to support PTA by selling tickets, stop by the school. Mrs. Lansberry will be happy to get you started.
almost 3 years ago, Jill Zeigler
We need parent volunteers to help come and organize the school library. This will take place October 14th at 5:30.
almost 3 years ago, Jill Zeigler
Join us as we celebrate WV Wednesday. The lunch menu will be pepperoni roll, pepper slices, caulifower, fruit, milk and ice cream. Wear clothing representing your favorite WV Team.
almost 3 years ago, Preston County Schools
WV Wednesday
PCS is celebrating National School Lunch Week.
almost 3 years ago, Preston County Schools
School Lunch
Remember to return your Fall Fundraiser packets if you haven't done so already! Wednesday is PICTURE DAY!!!
almost 3 years ago, Jill Zeigler
Here is the link to the weekly covid list for October 8, 2021
almost 3 years ago, Preston County Schools
covid list