Just a reminder that KES Students are invited to walk in the Buckwheat Festival School Day Parade on Friday, September 30th. Anyone interested needs to return the orange form sent home (if you haven’t already done so) tomorrow, September 23rd.
over 2 years ago, Samantha Peaslee
Attention KES Families: Parent Pick-Up will NOT be located on the Fireman's Field next week, September 26-30th, due to the Buckwheat Festival. Alternate plans will be forthcoming.
over 2 years ago, Samantha Peaslee
Mobile Food Pantry! Check back for upcoming dates!
over 2 years ago, Samantha Peaslee
Mobile Food Pantry
Kingwood Elementary's PTA will be hosting a Glow Dance on Friday, September 16th, from 6-8PM in the gym! Admission is $3 and each paying student will receive a glow stick! Wear your favorite neon outfit, and don't forget to bring money for the concession stand!
over 2 years ago, Samantha Peaslee
Glow Dance
Change in Calendar. Preston County Schools will be dismissing 2 Hours Early on Thursday, September 29, 2022. Just a reminder that Friday, September 30, 2022 is already a scheudle day off. (Preston County Buckwheat Festival). Updated for correct year.
over 2 years ago, Preston County Schools
Early Out
Change in Calendar. Preston County Schools will be dismissing 2 Hours Early on Thursday, September 29, 2020. Just a reminder that Friday, September 30, 2020 is already a scheudle day off. (Preston County Buckwheat Festival).
over 2 years ago, Preston County Schools
Early Out
over 2 years ago, Jill Zeigler
This is an official invitation to be an active part of your child's school! That's right! The doors are back open and we want our parents back in our building! We will have a parent volunteer organizational meeting tomorrow, 9/12, at 5:30 in the computer lab followed by PTA at 6 and our Local School Improvement Council meeting at 7. Come when you can; leave when you need to. Just come out and join us! It doesn't matter if school was an awful place when you were a kid. We want to make school a happy place for EVERYONE now!
over 2 years ago, Jill Zeigler
One additional announcement: KES Families, it is important to follow safety guidelines put into place during afternoon pick-up of students. Please talk with your children about the importance of staying in line even after arriving at the Fireman's Field. If students are running out of line, they risk putting themselves in the front of moving vehicles from rows that have already been loaded and dismissed. In addition, there have been several questions about dismissal procedures for Parent Pick-Up and Price Street Walkers during the week of the Buckwheat Festival. We are working to put a plan in place. More information will be released ASAP.
over 2 years ago, Samantha Peaslee
Drop Off and Pick Up Procedures
Greetings, KES Families! This is just a reminder that, whenever your child is absent for any reason--illness, doctor/dental procedure, family emergency, funeral, etc.--he/she MUST bring either a doctor and/or parent note UPON RETURN TO SCHOOL in order for the absence to be excused. Students are permitted 5 parent notes per semester.
over 2 years ago, Samantha Peaslee
Parent Excuse
I just received word that those riding Adam Foleys bus that were taking the kids to VFW will need to do so again today. We anticipate a normal run tomorrow. Sorry for the inconvenience.
over 2 years ago, Jill Zeigler
2022 WVGSA/SAT Results Today your child brought home a paper copy of their results and an email was sent to your child's school email address and/or your personal email if you have one on file to watch a video report. Contact Darla Moyers @ 304.329.0580 Ext. 250 or email at darla.moyers@k12.wv.us for assistance. More information about these test results are on our website at, https://tinyurl.com/2zp3ubmb
over 2 years ago, Preston County Schools
wvgsa sat
https://forms.office.com/r/8TkWN0RHUv Online Information Sheet deadline is Wednesday, August 31, 2022. We only have a little over 1/2 of the students completed. Just a reminder that Friday, September 2, 2022 is a 2 Hour Early Out and Monday, September, 5th - No School.
over 2 years ago, Preston County Schools
One additional announcement: Families, this is just a friendly reminder that you should be dropping your children off at their designated outside areas in the mornings if you choose to walk with them. Staff is more than happy to assist your children while walking inside of our buildings. Our effort is to keep everyone safe, and the less traffic we have throughout our buildings in the mornings, the better able we are to do this. If you need to see Miss Kim, the nurse, or principal, please let someone know so you can wait at the Main Office to do so. Thanks!
over 2 years ago, Samantha Peaslee
Greetings KES Families! We are SUPER EXCITED to have PreK and Kindergarten students joining us tomorrow! Since we will have some new faces, we would like to share student drop off and pick up procedures for anyone who is unfamiliar: Drop-Off Procedures: When: 7:15AM - 7:30AM Where: -PreK and K students will enter through the Early Childhood Building. -2nd Graders and Mrs. Mazza's Kindergarteners will enter through the side doors beside of the gym. -1st, 3rd, and 4th Graders will enter through the main doors by the KES School Office. How: -Use the drop-off lane by the sidewalk of Price Street. -Park on the Fireman's Field or the former Lobb's Funeral Home and walk your child to the door. Pick-Up Procedures: When: Students will be dismissed at 2:25PM daily. How: -Enter the Fireman's Field at the Civic Center entrance. -The staff member on duty will direct you to a designated row in which to park. -Give your child's name to the staff member on duty. Be prepared to show ID! -Students will be escorted by staff members one row at a time from the gym directly to the passenger side of your car on the Fireman's Field. -Once your child is safely loaded, please remain in line and slowly exit the Fireman's Field at one time with your row. -
over 2 years ago, Samantha Peaslee
Drop Off and Pick Up Procedures
Welcome to our PreK and Kindergarten students. ALL Students report to school on Monday, August 29, 2022
over 2 years ago, Preston County Schools
Staggered Start Dates
https://www.prestoncountyschools.com/page/transportation Link to site that lists UPDATED bus lists at each area school. You will not see every name listed at the bus stop. If you do not see your stop listed please call Cindy Foley at 304.329.0580 Ext. 248 or email her at cfoley@k12.wv.us. We will do another update in a few days.
over 2 years ago, Preston County Schools
School Bus Schedule
Due to paving issues, the Snyder Crossing Loop Road and Oaks Loop between Kingwood and Tunnelton will be closed from August 25 through August 31st. During this closure, Bus #63-15 will PICK UP these students at the intersection of Route 26 and VFW #826 parking lot at 7:00 a.m. DROP OFF for these students will be at 2:50 for elementary/middle school students and at 3:30 p.m. for high school students.
over 2 years ago, Preston County Schools
bus change
Just a notice that milk is 35 cents for cold lunch students unless they get a full reimbursable meal (breakfast or lunch). Also, any student wanting extra milk will be charged 35 cents as well.
over 2 years ago, Jill Zeigler
Staggered Start for Thursday, August 25, 2022 will be grades 1,3,6 and 9. At Rowlesburg School no students report. Meals are FREE. Additional milk is .35 cents. Menu can be seen on our app and webpage. Don't forget to fill out your "homework" the online information form. https://forms.office.com/r/8TkWN0RHUv
over 2 years ago, Preston County Schools