Kingwood Elementary School is excited about reading and our upcoming Scholastic Book Fair! To get everyone in the spirit, we are hosting a "Masked Reader" Challenge! All this week, students will get to listen to and view a recorded read aloud by a KES masked staff member. Then, next Wednesday, March 27th, we will UNMASK our readers in front of a LIVE audience during the book fair family shopping night and KES Math in Motion event! Do you think you can correctly guess all of them? Follow this link to see today's reading of "Be You!"
11 months ago, Samantha Peaslee
Can you guess who this masked reader is?
A HUGE THANK YOU to all of the families that donated to the "Let Your Light Shine" organization's Easter meal food drive! We collected a great deal of items over the past several weeks for an excellent cause! Kindergarten brought in the most donations overall and are the winners of a pizza party!
11 months ago, Samantha Peaslee
Thanks to everyone who donated food items for Easter meals
The Preston County Beekeepers Association each year awards a youth scholar with the needed supplies to get started in beekeeping. This includes the physical hive, a nuc of bees, bee suit, etc. The association also has a member who serves as the mentor for a year to work with the student to teach them how to care for bees. The opportunity is open to youth in Preston County between the ages of 12 and 16. The recipient is selected from the application process and chosen by the association members. The selection committee will meet in April. All applications are due to the Preston County Extension Office at 115 W Court Street, Kingwood, WV 26537, by April 15, 2024. Late applications will NOT be accepted.
11 months ago, Preston County Schools
Beekeeps of Preston County youth scholarship application
Spring 2024 County-wide Kahoots Contest Winners Kindergarten (all from Ms. Loughry’s class at TAEP): 1st Adrianna; 2nd Amaya; 3rd Waverly Second Grade (all from Ms. Sheets at KES): 1st Adeline; 2nd Abby; 3rd Gabriel Third Grade (all from Ms. Richards at Bruceton):1st Thomas; 2nd Brody; 3rd Mia First Grade (all from Ms. Burnside’s class at KES): 1st Adam S; Jazmine; Beckett K Fourth Grade (all from South Preston): 1st Jaxson (Albright); 2nd Paxton (Stull); 3rd Zack (Albright) Third Grade (second chance round; all from KES): 1st Kage (Jones); Kenneth (Borror); 3rd Avery K (Borror) Fourth Grade (second chance round) 1st Joshua (Bruceton/Quinn); 2nd Violet S (Aurora/Rembold); 3rd Christopher K (KES/Hayes) Fifth Grade: 1st Carter S (Aurora/Forman); 2nd Emma M (Aurora/Forman); 3rd Chloe S (CPMS/Shafer)
11 months ago, Preston County Schools
Spring 2024 County Wide Contest Kahoots winners
Good afternoon. This is a reminder that Preston County Schools will dismiss two hours early this Friday, March 15, 2024. Thank you.
11 months ago, Preston County Schools
Reminder! Preston County Schools will dismiss 2 hours early on Friday, March 15, 2024.
Greetings, Stags! Just a reminder that tomorrow is the LAST day to donate food items for Easter meals. Currently, kindergarten is still in the lead with the most donations. Will they win the pizza party?! Stay tuned to find out, and let's help feed some families this Easter!
11 months ago, Samantha Peaslee
Tomorrow is the last day to donate food items for Easter meals
How can you write together with your child? Write greeting cards, letters, emails, or a grocery list with your child watching or participating. Writing can help build letter/sound correspondence and organizational skills and deepen their comprehension (WVDE). #PrestonCountyReads
11 months ago, Preston County Schools
Science of Reading Tip 2 - How can you write together with your child? Write greeting cards, letters, emails, or a grocery list with your child watching or participating. Writing can help build letter sound correspondence and organizational skills and deepen their comprehension (WVDE). #PrestonCountyReads
Preston County Students grades 3 - 8 completed their first state summative assessment last week earning participation in the county wide Kahoot's Bowl. The following students placed either 1st, 2nd, or 3rd in the bowl. Congratulations to ALL of our students who worked hard!
12 months ago, Preston County Schools
Good luck to our fourth-grade students on the WV Writing General Summative Assessment! Charge your devices, bring headphones, get a good night’s sleep, and feed your bellies to fuel your brain in the morning!
12 months ago, Samantha Peaslee
Good luck to our fourth-graders on the Writing Assessment
There are still 11 days to read and log your minutes! Plenty of time for this leader board to change!
12 months ago, Preston County Schools
Preston County Snowball Fight current standings as of 3/11/24 (reading challenge): FES, Aurora, Bruceton, South, Central, Rowlesburg, West, TAEP, and KES
Congratulations to the winners of our February Attendance Challenge drawing! Each day in February, students were awarded a ticket for arriving at school on time. They received another ticket before dismissal if they stayed all day! At the end of the month, all tickets were collected, and 5 lucky winners from each grade level had the opportunity to decorate and eat sugar cookies last Thursday with Miss Susan!
12 months ago, Samantha Peaslee
Attendance drawing winners from each grade level decorated and ate cookies with Miss Susan last week!
Save the date for KES Field Day! Anyone interested in helping should contact Miss Kylie ( or 304-329-1034).
12 months ago, Samantha Peaslee
Save the date for KES Field Day: Monday, May 20, 2024!
KES LSIC will meet at 5PM tomorrow evening. Our monthly PTA meeting will follow at 6PM. Hope to see you there!
12 months ago, Samantha Peaslee
PTA Meeting at 6:00PM on Monday, March 11th
Student-Led Data Conferences and Dr. Seuss Night was a huge success! THANK YOU to all the volunteers, parents, staff members, and students who came out and joined in the fun!
12 months ago, Samantha Peaslee
KES hosts Dr. Seuss Night
Preston County Schools had 37 projects entered in the West Virginia Regional Social Studies Fair on March 7, 2024, and received: 18 first place, 9 second place, and 4 third place. Great job to all participants! (No photo due to students leaving right after their category award winners were announced) The West Virginia State Social Studies Fair will be held at the Charleston Coliseum & Convention Center on April 10, 2024, all First-Place students will advance to states. First Place: Bentley Dalton and Maeley Hayes - Kingwood Elementary School; Madison Cook and Marvin Feather - Kingwood Elementary School; Isabelle DeBerry and Rylee Bolyard - Kingwood Elementary School; Taryn Sullivan - Aurora School; Lane Graham and Carter Garbart - Kingwood Elementary School; Zachary McNair - Kingwood Elementary School; Kinsley Dixon - Terra Alta East Preston School; Jade Busselman - South Preston School; Bristal Bolyard and Colton Sanders - South Preston School; Peyton Shaffer - Aurora School; Moll Hoffman and Myla Zinn - Central Preston Middle School; Ayla Fasouletos _ Central Preston Middle School, Addison Plum and Abby Metz - South Preston School; Grace Estep - Central Preston Middle School; Kadence Phares and Sarah Dew - South Preston Middle School; Ava Waters - Aurora School; Mariah Legeer and Landon Griffith - Preston High School; Audrey Britton, Jathen Arnold, and Deseree Newland - Preston High School Second Place: Olivia Kelly - Kingwood Elementary School; Kadence Teets - Kingwood Elementary School; Ashton Homchenko and Donald Herko - Kingwood Elementary School; Carter Bolyard and Tucker Goff - South Preston School; Emma Williams - Central Preston Middle School; Dax Harrison - South Preston School; Tyler Street and Derek Edmunds - West Preston School; Colson Manko - Preston High School; and Alyssa Friend - Preston High School Third Place: Reese Stratton - Central Preston Middle School; Colleen Hart and Abbigail Moore - West Preston School; Evie Durst - Aurora School; Samatha Sisler and Zander Sisler - Preston High School
12 months ago, Preston County Schools
The school breakfast program is a great way to start a successful day.
12 months ago, Preston County Schools
take time for school breakfast
Stay tuned for weekly tips! Spend time reading every day. Reading together sends a strong message that reading is invaluable. Showing interest in reading will impact your child by helping them understand the importance of reading and writing. As a result, your child will follow your example. Check out more resources on the science of reading and the Ready Read Write Initiative on the WVDE website at #PrestonCountyReads
12 months ago, Preston County Schools
Stay tuned! Keep an eye out for weekly tips to help your child become a reader for life! Check out Tip #1 today! #PrestonCountyReads
Make Reading Important! Spend time reading every day. Reading together sends a strong message that reading is invaluable. showing interest in reading will impact your child by helping them understand the importance of reading and writing. As a result, your child will follow your example. Check out more resources on the science of reading and the Read Ready Write Initiative on the WVDE website
Good luck to our fourth-grade students competing in the Regional Social Studies Fair at Glenville State University today! Make us proud!
12 months ago, Samantha Peaslee
Fourth-graders are competing in the Regional Social Studies Fair in Glenville today
Our collection of food items for Easter meals through the "Let Your Light Shine" organization continues to grow at Kingwood Elementary! Kindergarten is still in the lead for most collections with 258 donated items, but third graders are quickly gaining momentum! Tune in to see who wins the pizza party and how many families we will ultimately help feed!
12 months ago, Samantha Peaslee
Our collection of food items for Easter meals continues to grow
Our collection of food items for Easter meals continues to grow
Children who eat breakfast have increased alertness and improved moods throughout the morning, making for a better learning experience in the classroom.
12 months ago, Preston County Schools
Wake up to school breakfast. Children who eat breakfast have increased alertness and improved moods throughout the morning, making for a better learning experience in the classroom.