Kingwood Elementary PTA Coin Wars is back starting tomorrow, September 11th! Homerooms will collect spare change each day through September 25th. The class that collects the most money at the end of this competition will earn a movie and snack incentive!
5 months ago, Samantha Peaslee
PTA is sponsoring a Coin War between homerooms Sept. 11-25
Good evening. The changes from the WV Department of Ed on attendance, Policy 4110, as it relates to excused and unexcused absences, has been posted and updated on the county site, as well as an informational graphic has been posted to answer any questions. Again, PCS operates with complete adherence to state policies.
5 months ago, Preston County Schools
The changes from the WV Department of Education on attendance, Policy 4110, as it relates to excused and unexcused absences, has been posted and updated on the county site, as well as an informational page has been posted to answer any questions.
Let your voice be heard! Get involved! Make a difference! This is just a reminder that PTA will meet at 6PM this evening in the KES Library.
5 months ago, Samantha Peaslee
KES PTA will have the first meeting of the year on Monday, Sept. 9th at 6PM
Our students truly are becoming academically and socially successful from the start! Whether they are turning and talking to partners during a lesson with math manipulatives, writing, spending STOMP tickets earned by exhibiting school-wide expectations at the STOMP Store, or taking turns and being physically active in PE, they are growing each and every day! We hope everyone enjoyed their weekend! We can't wait to continue learning with you tomorrow!
5 months ago, Samantha Peaslee
KES students are academically and socially successful!
Next week, we will be featuring a NEW menu item for lunch, MOZZARELLA STICKS on Tuesday, the 10th. Be sure to try these, and then vote when the next survey comes out if you'd like to keep them as a regular menu item.
5 months ago, Justin Hough
Next week, we will be featuring a NEW menu item for lunch, MOZZARELLA STICKS on Tuesday, the 10th. Be sure to try these, and then vote when the next survey comes out if you'd like to keep them as a regular menu item.
Next week, we will be featuring a NEW menu item for lunch, MOZZARELLA STICKS on Tuesday, the 10th. Be sure to try these, and then vote when the next survey comes out if you'd like to keep them as a regular menu item.
Don't forget that KES PTA will meet on Monday, September 9th, at 6PM in the library. Hope to see you there!
5 months ago, Samantha Peaslee
KES PTA will have the first meeting of the year on Monday, Sept. 9th at 6PM
KES will host an Attendance Kickoff all next week! Come to school all day, every day, and help your homeroom earn an incentive! Have fun while you're at it: Monday: Wear Crazy Socks; Tuesday: Wear School Colors; Wednesday: Hat Day; Thursday: Inside Out Day; Friday: WV/Blue & Gold Day.
5 months ago, Samantha Peaslee
KES will host an attendance kickoff all next week!
We love our local businesses and how much they support our students. Cecilia's Macarons & Sweets and Sugar Plum's Bakery recently collected school supplies for Preston County Schools. We can't thank you all enough.
5 months ago, Preston County Schools
We love our local businesses and how much they support our students. Cecilia's Macarons & Sweets and Sugar Plum's Bakery recently collected school supplies for Preston County Schools. We can't thank you all enough.
Tomorrow's lunch menu will be Cook's Choice: Lasagna roll-up, garden salad, dinner roll, fruit, and milk
5 months ago, Samantha Peaslee
Thursday's lunch menu will be Cook's Choice
This week's #PrestonCountyReads focus is phonics. Use the # to share your use of the tip. Keep reading Preston County.
5 months ago, Preston County Schools
This week's #PrestonCountyReads focus is phonics. Use the # to share your use of the tip. Keep reading Preston County.
Good evening PCS. If your student is absent, please submit an absence note online. You can find the form under documents under the county page or app, or you can click the link on the county or individual school websites. Doctors slips will need sent in upon return for verification if that's the reason selected. Thanks
5 months ago, Preston County Schools
Good evening PCS. If your student is absent, please submit an absence note online. You can find the form under documents under the county page or app, or you can click the link on the county or individual school websites. Doctors slips will need sent in upon return for verification if that's the reason selected. Thanks
Good evening, Preston County families , Today your student should have come home with an attendance letter and chart to monitor their absences at home. Any absence is a loss of instruction. We want all of our students present, engaged, and to be successful! Over the next several days, you will see updated Policy 4110, attendance information, via social media and our county website. Stay informed, talk with your student, and reach out for assistance from your student's administrators and/or student support team! We are here for your kids and attendance is KEY!
5 months ago, Preston County Schools
New attendance policy info
Our first PTA Meeting is just a little under a week away! Join us in the KES Library on Monday, Sept. 9th, at 6PM!
5 months ago, Samantha Peaslee
KES PTA will have the first meeting of the year on Monday, Sept. 9th at 6PM
Due to this evening's Home Varsity Football Opener, the evening activity buses will depart from Preston High School at 5:15, instead of 5:45. Again, the buses will be departing PHS for those who participate in after-school functions 30 minutes early to be able to get out before traffic begins coming in.
6 months ago, Preston County Schools
Due to this evening's Home Varsity Football Opener, the evening activity buses will depart from Preston High School at 5:15, instead of 5:45. Again, the buses will be departing PHS for those who participate in after-school functions 30 minutes early to be able to get out before traffic begins coming in.
Don't forget to join us tomorrow evening for the opener of the Knights 2024 Football Season. Our Knights' Football Team will not only be representing PHS in their season opener at home, but the WV Army National Guard in the kick-off to the WVARNG Gridiron Series. This team was chosen as they show grit, determination, and represent the Army's values every time they take the field. So let's pack Knights Stadium this Friday and show Hampshire and the state what being a Knight is all about.
6 months ago, Justin Hough
Don't forget to join us tomorrow evening for the opener of the Knights 2024 Football Season. Our Knights' Football Team will not only be representing PHS in their season opener at home, but the WV Army National Guard in the kick-off to the WVARNG Gridiron Series. This team was chosen as they show grit, determination, and represent the Army's values every time they take the field. So let's pack Knights Stadium this Friday and show Hampshire and the state what being a Knight is all about.
September Breakfast and Lunch Menus - 2 "New Item" Days - Following these days, surveys will go out to see if these are items we want to permanently add into our rotation.
6 months ago, Justin Hough
September Menus
September Menus
Due to changes in our attendance policies as it relates to changes made at the state level, this will be how the county is handling our participants in the Buckwheat Festival this year as it relates to attendance. More info will follow.
6 months ago, Justin Hough
Due to changes in our attendance policies as it relates to changes made at the state level, this will be how the county is handling our participants in the Buckwheat Festival this year as it relates to attendance. More info will follow.
Our Knights' Football Team will not only be representing PHS in their season opener at home, but the WV Army National Guard in the kick-off to the WVARNG Gridiron Series. This team was chosen as they show grit, determination, and represent the Army's values every time they take the field. So let's pack Knights Stadium this Friday and show Hampshire and the state what being a Knight is all about.
6 months ago, Justin Hough
Friday, August 30th at Knights Stadium, our football team represents the school and the national guard in the opener of the gridiron series
This week's #PrestonCountyReads focus. Each week, we'll be posting different tips to improve your child's reading. Be sure to include the hashtag on any posts, images or videos you'd like to share of your student working on their skills. Remember, numerous studies have defined that 15-30 minutes of reading a day will help your child improve their literacy, and even for adults will support brain health for a lifetime.
6 months ago, Justin Hough
This week's  #PrestonCountyReads focus. Each week, we'll be posting different tips to improve your child's reading. Be sure to include the hashtag on any posts, images or videos you'd like to share of your student working on their skills. Remember,  numerous studies have defined that 15-30 minutes of reading a day will help your child improve their literacy, and even for adults  will support  brain health for a lifetime.
This week's  #PrestonCountyReads focus. Each week, we'll be posting different tips to improve your child's reading. Be sure to include the hashtag on any posts, images or videos you'd like to share of your student working on their skills. Remember,  numerous studies have defined that 15-30 minutes of reading a day will help your child improve their literacy, and even for adults  will support  brain health for a lifetime.
Reminders: Morning bus room is for early buses ONLY. Parent drop off begins at 7:15AM. When parking on the Fireman’s Field, please try to do so in the graveled areas only. Please do not enter our parking lot with a vehicle between 7:15-7:45 AM and 2:15-2:45 PM. Thanks for helping keep our students safe!
6 months ago, Samantha Peaslee
Drop off and pick up reminders