If you have not completed the online emergency student information form, please do so as soon as possible. Even if you completed a paper copy, the electronic form must be completed. Here is the link: https://forms.office.com/r/Mvn1wPkwbg
about 3 years ago, Jonas Knotts
Today we are spotlighting 5th grader Walter Guthrie! His teacher, Mrs. Burnsworth says that Walter is extremely helpful and always willing to lend a hand. She says Walter always tries his hardest, always gets his work done, and is so polite to everyone!
about 3 years ago, Jonas Knotts
student spotlight
Here is the link to the weekly COVID list for Friday, November 19, 2021. https://5il.co/1243y Masks will be optional in all buildings for the week of November 29, 2021
about 3 years ago, Preston County Schools
Covid Nov 19
Just a reminder that tomorrow, Friday, November 19th will be a 3 hour early dismissal.
about 3 years ago, Preston County Schools
early out
Today we’re spotlighting 1st grader Danny Sager! Danny is doing an amazing job in first grade! He is mastering his sight words and quick to volunteer in math. Danny is a very sweet boy and a friend to everyone!
about 3 years ago, Jonas Knotts
Student spotlight
Today we’re spotlighting 1st graders Audrey Moody and Landen Hirtz! Their teacher, Mrs. Walls says that both Audrey and Landen are exceptionally kind and are always willing to help and offer support to their friends. Audrey and Landen tied in a game of Around the World recently! They both congratulated each other and showed good sportsmanship! Mrs. Walls says she’s lucky to have them in her class!
about 3 years ago, Jonas Knotts
student spotlight
Just a reminder that parent/teacher conferences are tomorrow, Tuesday, November 16th from 4-6pm.
about 3 years ago, Jonas Knotts
MASK MANDATE for week of November 15, 2021 Here is the link to the weekly covid list for Friday, November 12, 2021 https://5il.co/11seg
about 3 years ago, Preston County Schools
Covid Nov 12
Today we’re spotlighting 8th grader Cori Cunningham! Cori has been working as a teachers aide in Miss Price’s kindergarten class. Miss Price said Cori always takes the initiative to help and work with the kids. She helps them pack up everyday and is always willing to help out whenever they need her. Cori would like to be a nurse when she is older. She enjoys barrel racing and playing with her puppy. Thank you for all you do Miss Cori! Miss Price and her class loves you!
about 3 years ago, Jonas Knotts
student spotlight
student spotlight
Preston County Schools was recently awarded funding from the E-Rate Emergency Connectivity Fund to help provide improved internet access to students and staff members with either inadequate or no home internet access. The school district will be able to issue up to 500 internet hotspots with access through June 30, 2022 to applicants that apply at the following link: https://tinyurl.com/3spjux9p. This link will be open through next Wednesday, November 17, 2021 at 6:00 PM. School hotspot distribution events or deliveries will be organized following closure of the survey during the remainder of November. If you have any questions about this program, please contact Mr. Brad Martin at (304) 329-0580 ext. 225 or by email at brrmarti@k12.wv.us.
about 3 years ago, Brad Martin
Just a friendly reminder that November 12th is the last day to order school shirts and other wearables. Make sure to complete all the information on the order form, including homeroom teacher. Order forms are posted on the school website and Facebook.
about 3 years ago, Jonas Knotts
We want to welcome all Bruceton area veterans to our annual Veterans Day program. The program begins at 9:00 in the gym on Wednesday. Veterans are also invited to join us beforehand at our Veterans Breakfast at 8:00 in the library.
about 3 years ago, Jonas Knotts
Orders for school t-shirts and wearables are due on November 12th. The order forms are attached.
about 3 years ago, Jonas Knotts
order form 1
order form 2
order form 3
order form 4
The week of November 8th will be a busy week for staff and students.. All students will be taught two lessons to learn about digital citizenship and rules of the iPad and laptop. iReady growth monitoring assessment will take place along with Veterans Day activities. There is no school on Thursday in honor of Veterans Day. https://www.commonsense.org/education/digital-citizenship-week
about 3 years ago, Preston County Schools
Nov. 8th
The Bruceton Academic Boosters will meet in the cafeteria on Tuesday, November 9th at 6:00. They will have a calendar party planning meeting immediately following the regular meeting. All are welcome to attend.
about 3 years ago, Jonas Knotts
Mask mandate for the week of November 8, 2021 Here is the link to the weekly covid list for Friday, November 5, 2021. https://5il.co/11hxm
about 3 years ago, Preston County Schools
covid nov 5
The glitch in the JumpRope (grades K-5) welcome emails has been fixed. A welcome email has been sent to your child's K12 email address with login credentials. The username will be your child's full email address and the password will be your child's FULL student ID (WVEIS) number.
about 3 years ago, Preston County Schools
jumprope fixed
Today we are spotlighting 5th grader Callen Knox! Callen is in Mrs. Klimas’ class and she says that he’s an outstanding student and comes to school everyday and ready to learn! She says he’s patient, kind, and an extremely hard worker. Callen says he enjoys playing GaGa ball and riding his 4-wheeler.
about 3 years ago, Jonas Knotts
student spotlight
Bus #46, Gary Matthews in the Bruceton Area will not make his AM or PM run tomorrow, Thursday, November 4, 2021. Students will not be marked absent if they are unable to get to school.
about 3 years ago, Brad Martin
bus cancellation
There was a glitch in the JumpRope (grades K-5) welcome emails not including the password. We are working to resolve it. We will resend welcome emails when the problem is resolved.
about 3 years ago, Preston County Schools
JumpRope Issue