Gaaron Lawson and Karra Stark had the chance to visit the book machine today. Their teacher, Mrs. Swiger gave them tokens to reward them for their positive attitude, always trying their best with their schoolwork, and being helpful to their classmates.
over 2 years ago, Jonas Knotts
book machine
book machine
book machone
Ms. Price’s class released their butterfly today and it went straight to their friend Archer’s face!
over 2 years ago, Jonas Knotts
Change in Calendar. Preston County Schools will be dismissing 2 Hours Early on Thursday, September 29, 2022. Just a reminder that Friday, September 30, 2022 is already a scheudle day off. (Preston County Buckwheat Festival). Updated for correct year.
over 2 years ago, Preston County Schools
Early Out
Change in Calendar. Preston County Schools will be dismissing 2 Hours Early on Thursday, September 29, 2020. Just a reminder that Friday, September 30, 2020 is already a scheudle day off. (Preston County Buckwheat Festival).
over 2 years ago, Preston County Schools
Early Out
School picture day is this Wednesday, September 14th.
over 2 years ago, Jonas Knotts
Menu change for Tuesday, September 13th: Fish Sticks Goldfish Crackers Peas Baked Beans Fruit Milk
over 2 years ago, Michelle Martin
This Tuesday, the Bruceton Academic Boosters will meet at 6:00 in the cafeteria. Bruceton School’s Local School Improvement Council will also meet the same day at 4:00 in the computer lab. All are welcome to attend both meetings.
over 2 years ago, Jonas Knotts
It's time for our annual fall Krispy Kreme donut fundraiser! The past couple years, we've been working to update and replace a lot of student classroom furniture such as tables, desks, chairs, etc. This fundraiser, in conjunction with our levy funding, will help us to continue that process and handle any other expenses. Students were given order forms in their homerooms and orders and money are due by Thursday, September 22nd. Thanks to the Lions Club, the overall top seller in the school will get a $100 cash prize, 2nd place will get a $50 prize, and 3rd place will get a $25 prize. In addition, the homeroom that sells the most donuts in PK-2, 3-5, and middle school will receive a special treat.
over 2 years ago, Jonas Knotts
Ms. Price and Ms. B are incorporating life skills on Fridays. Today we learned to make our own grilled cheese!
over 2 years ago, Jonas Knotts
Congratulations to Holden from Mrs. Walls' first grade for filling his card with stickers and moving up a level on our Super Improver Wall! We're proud of your positive attitude and great work ethic!
over 2 years ago, Jonas Knotts
student spotlight
Win or lose, we still love our Bulldogs! #SchoolOfChampions
over 2 years ago, Jonas Knotts
It’s our volleyball home opener tonight in a tri-match against East Preston and Trinity. Go Bulldogs! #SchoolOfChampions
over 2 years ago, Jonas Knotts
The bus garage has announced that bus 129, Brett Slagle's bus, WILL make it's AM and PM runs tomorrow, Friday, September 9th.
over 2 years ago, Jonas Knotts
The bus garage has announced that bus 37-22, Jay Kelley's bus, WILL make it's AM and PM runs tomorrow, Friday, September 9th.
over 2 years ago, Jonas Knotts
The bus garage has announced that buses 129-Brett Slagle and 37-22-Jay Kelley will not make their AM and PM runs this Friday, September 9th.
over 2 years ago, Jonas Knotts
Bruceton School’s 2022 yearbooks are being sent home this week. Former 8th graders’ yearbooks are being sent home with siblings, when possible. Students without siblings at Bruceton School can pick up yearbooks in the main office between the hours of 7:30 & 3:00. We have a few extra books, for those who didn’t order. To order, checks in the amount of $40 can be sent to the school. 🐾
over 2 years ago, Michelle Martin
Don’t forget that tomorrow, Friday, September 2nd is a two-hour early dismissal for students.
over 2 years ago, Jonas Knotts
2022 WVGSA/SAT Results Today your child brought home a paper copy of their results and an email was sent to your child's school email address and/or your personal email if you have one on file to watch a video report. Contact Darla Moyers @ 304.329.0580 Ext. 250 or email at for assistance. More information about these test results are on our website at,
over 2 years ago, Preston County Schools
wvgsa sat Online Information Sheet deadline is Wednesday, August 31, 2022. We only have a little over 1/2 of the students completed. Just a reminder that Friday, September 2, 2022 is a 2 Hour Early Out and Monday, September, 5th - No School.
over 2 years ago, Preston County Schools
Welcome to our PreK and Kindergarten students. ALL Students report to school on Monday, August 29, 2022
over 2 years ago, Preston County Schools
Staggered Start Dates