Preston County Schools will operate on a 2-hour delay for tomorrow, Thursday, January 18th. Maintenance, mechanics, & custodians report on a regular schedule, & all other students & staff will report on a 2-hour delay. There are several bus runs that will be using alternative stops. Calls and texts will be sent out to each impacted run as they are known tonight.
about 1 year ago, Brad Martin
We're looking to create an official Bruceton School flag! Students can submit design ideas through February 2nd. A committee will take those submitted design ideas and elements to create our official school flag. All students can turn in their drawings, ideas, etc. to the office between now and February 2nd. Just make sure that drawings are submitted on a blank piece of regular paper in landscape format and have your name and teacher on it.
about 1 year ago, Jonas Knotts
Middle school BARK Cards from the 2nd 9 weeks will be collected tomorrow, Thursday, January 18th. Please make sure that students' cards have all required signatures before students turn them in.
about 1 year ago, Jonas Knotts
WVU Society of Women Engineers Next Generation STEM Day for middle school students. 2/10/24. 8:30 am registration. 9 am start. WVU Engineering Science Building Main Entrance. Questions? Julie Gruber, Outreach Coordinator, WVU Statler College of Engineering, WV at 304-293-0399
about 1 year ago, Preston County Schools
WVU Society of Women Engineers presents next generation STEM day for middle school students to learn about different engineering principles through fun-filled activities. February 10, 2024. 8:30 am registration. 9 am event begins. Located at WVU Engineering Science Building Main Entrance.  For more information contact Julie Gruber, Outreach Coordinator, Statler College of Engineering, WV at 304-293-0399
This is an update on extra-curricular activities this evening. The Boys' Varsity Basketball game between Preston High School and East Fairmont will proceed as scheduled. The PHS home wrestling match has been postponed until a later date. The scheduled game between West Preston and Westwood has been postponed as Mon County is out of school today. All other athletic teams are permitted to practice today. Individual coaches planning to practice today will be reaching out to parents and players.
about 1 year ago, Brad Martin
Preston County Schools will be closed for tomorrow, Wednesday, January 17th & it will be a “Brain Freeze” Day. Students do not report. Maintenance, mechanics, & custodians report on a regular schedule, while all other staff reports on a 2-hour delay. Day-to-day substitute personnel should not to report unless they are specifically directed to do so. All schools will be open from 10 to 12 for students who require assistance. Resources on Brain Freeze can be found on the county and all school websites under the Live Feed section. Finally, the status on all afterschool activities will be announced tomorrow.
about 1 year ago, Brad Martin
Preston County Schools will be closed for tomorrow, Wednesday, January 17th & it’s a “Brain Freeze” day. Students do not report. Teachers and most staff will be reporting on a 2-hour delay. In addition, students may come to school sites from 10 AM to 12 PM for assistance with their Brain Freeze activities. Lunches at each school site will be available from 11:30-1:00 PM as well. Parents, please contact the school by 10 AM if you would like to request a meal. Resources on Brain Freeze can be found on the county and all school websites under the Live Feed section. The status on all afterschool activities will be announced tomorrow.
about 1 year ago, Brad Martin
Preston County Schools will operate on a 2-hour delay for tomorrow, Wednesday, January 17th. Maintenance, mechanics, & custodians report on a regular schedule, & all other students & staff will report on a 2-hour delay. The scheduled principals' meeting has been rescheduled to next Wednesday, January 24th.
about 1 year ago, Brad Martin
Based on the continued winter weather conditions, all after-school activities have been cancelled for tonight. This includes both school-affiliated teams and youth groups using school facilities. In addition, based on anticipated ongoing weather conditions, County Math Field Day will be rescheduled to Tuesday, January 23rd at the Kingwood Community Building.
about 1 year ago, Brad Martin
We want to congratulate our 5th and 7th grade students who represented us at the county science fair last Friday. We had several students place: o Grade 5:  Animal Science: Josephine Johannsen – 3rd place  Chemistry: Trenton McCormick & Jacob Delaney – 3rd Place  Earth & Environmental Science: Jacob Heubi – 1st Place  Plant Science: Charlotte Everd & Allison Fansler – 3rd Place o Grade 7:  Animal Science: Julianna Bright – 2nd Place Congratulations to all our students who entered projects in the science fair! #SchoolOfChampions #GoodThingsHappenHere
about 1 year ago, Jonas Knotts
Preston County Schools will be closed for today, Tuesday, January 16th & today will be a “Brain Freeze” Day. Students do not report, while staff reports on a 2-hour delay. Day-to-day substitute personnel should not to report unless they are specifically directed to do so. All schools will be open from 10 to 12 for students who require assistance. Resources on Brain Freeze can be found on the county and all school websites under the Live Feed section. The training with Dr. Taylor at Kingwood Elementary scheduled for today has been postponed & a rescheduled date will be announced. Finally, the status on all afterschool activities will be announced later today.
about 1 year ago, Brad Martin
brain freeze
Preston County Schools will be closed for today, Tuesday, January 16th & it’s a “Brain Freeze” day. Students do not report. Teachers will be available to answer student & parent questions via phone, email, or on Teams throughout the day. In addition, students may come to school sites from 10 AM to 12 PM for assistance with their Brain Freeze activities. Lunches at each school site will be available from 11:30-1:00 PM as well. Parents, please contact the school by 10 AM if you would like to request a meal. Resources on Brain Freeze can be found on the county and all school websites under the Live Feed section. The status on all afterschool activities will be announced later today.
about 1 year ago, Brad Martin
brain Freeze
2023-24 Brain Freeze Protocols.
about 1 year ago, Brad Martin
brain freeze protocols
Preston County Schools will operate on a 2-hour delay for tomorrow, Tuesday, January 16th. Maintenance, mechanics, & custodians report on a regular schedule, & all other students & staff will report on a 2-hour delay. County Math Field Day will be postponed until Wednesday, January 17th. Teachers requesting substitutes for math field day tomorrow need to adjust the request to the revised date.
about 1 year ago, Brad Martin
Today, Friday, January 12th is the end of the term 2 grading period; however, finalized grades will now be due Friday, January 19th with report cards sent home with students on Wednesday, January 24th.
about 1 year ago, Preston County Schools
Mrs. Kristin's PreK class celebrated learning about animals in winter with a Hibernation Day. They wore their PJs, brought stuffed animals that hibernate and did activities all day with them, such as making them a den, sorting them, and using them during choice centers. They ended the day making patterns, sorting and counting with their fish and bear snack. #SchoolOfChampions #GoodThingsHappenHere
about 1 year ago, Jonas Knotts
The county science fair public viewing will take place today at the KVFD community building from 5 - 7 pm with awards live streaming at 7 pm from the link on the Preston County Schools website or by accessing
about 1 year ago, Preston County Schools
The county science fair public viewing will take place today at the KVFD community building from 5 - 7 pm with awards live streaming at 7 pm from the link on the Preston County Schools website or by accessing
Due to tomorrow's delay, there will be no Little Learners for Thursday, January 11th.
about 1 year ago, Jonas Knotts
Preston County Schools will operate on a 2-hour delay for tomorrow, Thursday, January 11th. Maintenance, mechanics, & custodians report on a regular schedule, & all other students & staff will report on a 2-hour delay.
about 1 year ago, Brad Martin
If we have a regular school day tomorrow, 8th grade students need to remember to turn in their permission slips tomorrow morning for the PHS CTE tour that is scheduled for tomorrow.
about 1 year ago, Jonas Knotts