Tonight's volleyball flex practice has been canceled (Wednesday, August 7th at Bruceton).

We're excited to welcome some new faces to our school this year!
Hello! My name is Ms. Money! I am a 7th and 8th grade English teacher here at Bruceton School. I am from Hampshire County, West Virginia but worked as a Substitute Teacher in Monongalia County for a year after college. I love reading, gardening, and baking. I am excited to be here during the upcoming school year!

As we get closer to the first day of school, here is a diagram of our parent pick-up and drop-off. It is the same as last year.

Squires Football - To all 6, 7, & 8th grade students and parents: Sign ups for the Preston County Middle School Football Team will be held Monday August 12th at 6:30 pm at the Kingwood Elementary School Football Field.
Those interested will need a completed physical form for the current school year. If you are interested and have further questions please contact Coach Herrington at 304-276-5746.

In-County Transfers: PCS intra-county transfers have closed, but will be extended through Wed. Aug. 7, 2024. For more information, visit the PCS website under student support services under documents. If you have any questions, contact Angie Zofchak, director of attendance and student support services, at 304-329-0580 x 236

Our first official Bruceton Middle School cross country practice will be Monday at the Bruceton Dam at 6:30pm. Please bring water and your physical forms if we don't already have them.
Parent meeting will be at 6:30

A draft professional development schedule for professional and service personnel is posted on the Preston County Schools website scrolling marquee and Facebook page. Any schedule updates will be made in advance of the opening day session at Preston High on Thursday, August 15th.

Special Education Parent/Guardian Focus Survey:
If you are a parent/guardian of a PCS student with an IEP (Special Education Individualized Education Plan), please take the time to complete the survey at the link below. If you would prefer to complete a paper copy, please make that request to Sarah Clingerman, Executive Secretary Special Education, at 304-329-0580 ext. 239 or sarah.clingerman@k12.wv.us. This is a voluntary survey, but your input is also requested and valued as the state department and counties continue to make improvements as it relates to both students and parents.

The staggered start schedule has been updated on the Preston County Schools website, with an alternative staggered start sent to the Rowlesburg staff and students. This schedule did not include PK and K. Those teachers will be conducting visits during the staggered start and will inform parents and students of whether their student will attend on either A or B day. More information will following in the coming days and weeks.

Summer Band, Sports and upcoming Evening Shuttles schedules are available at the following link:

A couple announcements:
Recommended class supply lists for the upcoming year can be found at the following link: https://www.prestoncountyschools.com/o/bruceton/documents/recommended-class-supply-lists/353238
The main office will be open beginning August 5th to take care of any enrollment paperwork.

Bruceton Cross country flex practice schedule 7/29:
Monday and Wednesday 830am at Bruceton Dam.
Regular Season Practices will begin August 5th.
Please be sure to have all sports physicals turned in at this time.
Parent meeting will also be August 5th.

Volleyball flex practices are scheduled this coming week for Monday, July 29th and Wednesday, July 31st from 6:00pm - 7:30pm at the gym.

Our summer work crew has been doing floors the last couple weeks. They're coming along nicely. Lots of summer work still left to do!

Cross Country flex practices week of 7/22:
Tuesday: Big Bear 6:30pm (Dam parking area)
Thursday: Coopers Rock 6:30 (overlook parking area)
Saturday: 9am Reedsville rail trail

Middle school volleyball flex practices for this coming week are Monday and Wednesday from 6:00-7:30 at the school gym.

Preston County Schools will be conducting hearing, speech, language, and vision screenings in our schools. Screenings are scheduled to take place August 28 through October 13, 2024.
Students will be screened are as follows:
• All students entering school for the first time who have not been screened at school.
• All students who have been referred for re-screenings of hearing or speech screenings from the previous year; and
• Any teacher referrals for screening.
Parents will be notified if any student should not pass the screenings.
Those who do not wish their child to be tested must contact their respective school in writing. For additional information, you may contact the Preston County Schools, Special Education Department at 304-329-0580, extension 220 or 239.

Save the Dates:
Monday, August 19: Back to School Bash: 5-7pm
Tuesday, August 20: 6th Grade Academy: 5-7pm

Bruceton School is looking for a dynamic English/Language Arts teacher who can implement small-group instruction, utilize research-based teaching strategies, and build impactful relationships with students.
Here is the application link: https://www.applitrack.com/wvde/onlineapp/default.aspx?choosedistrict=true&applitrackclient=47355&category=Middle+School+Teaching

Cross Country Flex practice schedule:
7/15: 8:30am at Bruceton Dam
7/17: 8:30am at Bruceton Dam
7/19: Good Neighbor Days Mile 6:15.
7/20: 9am at the Cheat Lake trail at the end of Morgan Run Road.