Today we’re starting a new feature called our Student Spotlight. We want to recognize kids that are putting in outstanding effort, trying their best, and being respectful citizens. Our first student spotlight is 5th grader Ainsley Cox. Ainsley is in Mrs. Burnsworth’s class and Mrs. Burnsworth says that she is always respectful, tries her best, and puts in extra work to make sure she has a good solid grasp on her lessons.
over 3 years ago, Jonas Knotts
Ainsley Cox
Some of our kindergarten students got an early start eating buckwheat cakes last week. Thanks to Miss Hudson’s middle school students for helping out!
over 3 years ago, Jonas Knotts
buckwheat cakes
buckwheat cakes
buckwheat cakes
buckwheat cakes
Superintendent, Steve Wotring's update after Board of Education meeting on Monday, 9/27/21 at 8:30PM
over 3 years ago, Preston County Schools
WVGSA, WVASA and SAT Assessment Parent Reports from the Spring 2021 testing are being sent home with students in grades 3-9 and 12 today, Monday, September 27, 2021. Individual Student Interperative Guides can be found at Menu/Parent and Students/Assessments
over 3 years ago, Preston County Schools
Testing Results
Introducing… Communities In Schools of Preston County Communities In Schools of Preston County surrounds students with a community of support, empowering them to stay in school and achieve in life. Our evidence-based approach, adapted to meet each school and community’s unique needs, is the key our success. Read the full article here:
over 3 years ago, Preston County Schools
Communities in Schools
Important Dates Monday, Sept. 27th Resume In Person Instruction Thursday, Sept. 30th Full Day of School Friday, Oct. 1st No School - Buckwheat Festival Monday, Oct. 4th No School for Students Staff in Meetings
over 3 years ago, Preston County Schools
Important Dates
Thank you to everyone who purchased mums from the 5th grade. It’s always beautiful seeing them in the school yard while they’re waiting to be delivered
over 3 years ago, Jonas Knotts
IF YOU HAVE ALREADY SIGNED UP FOR MEAL DELIVERY, PLEASE DO NOT SIGN UP AGAIN. YOU WILL AUTOMATICALLY BE RECEIVING A SECOND DELIVERY. THIS SIGNUP IS ONLY FOR THOSE THAT WANT TO BE ADDED TO THE SECOND DELIVERY. We are taking orders for any temporary remote, homeschool, full-time virtual, homebound, or children ages 1-4 years old who live in Preston County. The shelf-stable boxes will be prepared and shipped directly to the child's home via UPS. Please complete this form to have a multiple-day shelf-stable meal box delivered to your door step free of charge. You will need to complete a SEPERATE form for EACH child in your household that qualifies. Only one request per child is permitted. The boxes will begin to ship Monday, September 20, and will arrive within the next several days. If you have any questions, please call 304.329.0580 ext. 234 or email at The deadline to signup is Sunday, September 19, 2021, at 10:00 PM.
over 3 years ago, Preston County Schools
Meal Box number 2
Meal boxes are beginning to arrive in Preston County. This picture is a sample of a high school student's box. This first box contains 4 breakfast and 4 lunch meals. The next box will have 5 of each. For those of you that missed the first sign up a new registration will be posted soon. Those of you who initially signed up will be automatically receiving the second box.
over 3 years ago, Preston County Schools
2020-2021 Yearbooks arrived and have been given to homeroom teachers. Students will receive them as soon as we return to in-person instruction. Orders for 8th graders or any other student that no longer attends Bruceton School can be picked up in the front office during normal school hours, 7:00 a.m -3:00 p.m. We have extra yearbooks available for purchase. If interested, the cost is $35. Checks should be made payable to Bruceton School.
over 3 years ago, Michelle Martin
As we shift to remote learning for the next few days, we want to remind students of expectations. The format of remote learning will be very similar to last year. Please don't hesitate to contact your teacher if you have any questions or need help.
over 3 years ago, Jonas Knotts
Remote Learning Guide & Middle School Cheat Sheet
Daily Schedule
Middle School Login Cheat Sheet
Middle School Login Cheat Sheet
We have been made aware of an issue getting onto TEAMS on the 1:1 K-2 iPads. The email address that prepopulates is incorrect, but it is an easy fix. Here is the video that expains what changes you need to make ONE TIME to get the issue corrected. If you have any questions you can contact your child's teacher or Darla Moyers via email at
over 3 years ago, Preston County Schools
Ipad Issue
2021-22 Preston County Meal Box Delivery (Sept. 14) We are taking orders for any temporary remote, homeschool, full-time virtual, homebound, or children ages 1-4 years old who live in Preston County. The shelf-stable boxes will be prepared and shipped directly to the child's home via FedEx. Please complete this form to have a multiple-day shelf-stable meal box delivered to your door step free of charge. You will need to complete a SEPERATE form for EACH child in your household that qualifies. The boxes will begin to ship Thursday, September 16, and will arrive over the next several days. If you have any questions please call 304.329.0580 ext. 234 or email at The deadline to sign up is September 14th at 10:00PM
over 3 years ago, Preston County Schools
Food Boxes
Volleyball practice for tonight (Monday, 9/13) is cancelled.
over 3 years ago, Jonas Knotts
PCS will be closing schools and going to remote learning effective tomorrow September 14th. Students will return to school on Monday, September 27th. All sports and extra-curricular activities are cancelled. Teachers were notified late today and will spend Tuesday and Wednesday preparing for full remote learning which begins on Thursday, September 16th. Students may have paper assignments to complete or will have online assignments on Tuesday and Wednesday. Therefore, students should continue to login to Seesaw and Schoology to check for assignments. Students should continue lessons already assigned, practice reading and math skills on iReady (K-8) and Exact Path (9-12) and complete any other lessons assigned by their classroom teachers. Directions will follow on how to sign up for weekly meal boxes that will be delivered to your homes. Here is the link to Mr. Wotring's announcement
over 3 years ago, Preston County Schools
The next time you receive a text message from PCS it will come from 98900 and NOT 98901 and it will automatically send a CTIA compliant opt-in OR opt-out text with necessary disclaimers. So carefully read your next text message. (This message was not sent as a text.) If you are not receiving text messages yet it is because secretaries are in to process of changing phone numbers from the Online Information Form you filled out.
over 3 years ago, Preston County Schools
opt in or opt out
Bruceton School is currently experiencing a building-wide Internet outage. For students quarantining on remote learning, teachers will have lessons posted as soon as Internet is restored. Sorry for the inconvenience.
over 3 years ago, Jonas Knotts
Bus #34 (Jason Cramer) in the Bruceton area will be running approximately 20 minutes late on his run this morning.
over 3 years ago, Brad Martin
Tonight's home volleyball game (September 7) has been cancelled. Also the away volleyball game scheduled for Thursday (September 9) has been cancelled as well. We will let you know when they are rescheduled.
over 3 years ago, Jonas Knotts
A bus announcement for this afternoon (Friday, Sept. 3): Bus 46 and bus 75-16 will be running late this evening for their elementary/middle school run.
over 3 years ago, Jonas Knotts