There is a miscommunication on the calendar showing that next Friday, October 11th is a 2-hour early dismissal. This is an error and will actually be a full day for students and staff. Our apologies for any confusion. All upcoming dates are correct, but subject to change due to weather or other circumstances.
Preston County Schools will be offering substitute certification classes for the following service personnel positions: Cooks - Tuesday, October 8th at 9:00 AM, Custodians - Wednesday, October 9th at 9:00 AM, and Aides - Friday, October 18th at 8:00 AM. All classes are held in the PCS BOE Board Room. Please go to to apply and email if interested in attending or getting more information.
Preston County Schools will be dismissing all schools two-hour early today in line with the posted academic calendar. We hope our students, parents, and staff enjoy the extended weekend break.
We're in full Buckwheat Season here in Preston County, and students at Preston High School showed their pride in their school and community by posting on, what else but buckwheat, the best things about the county where we all live. Great job Knights and Happy Buckwheat Festival to all.
Tomorrow, Wednesday the 25th, Bus 73-16 , Josie Shillito, will not run, affecting both Terra Alta and PHS students. Again, bus 73-16 will not run tomorrow in Terra Alta or for PHS students.
In accordance with WV Board Policy 6204, impact statements and supporting data related to the possible closures of Fellowsville Elementary School and Rowlesburg School have been posted in all county school locations, in the office of the Superintendent, and in the county bus garage for public review from September 24, 2024 through October 28, 2024.
Follow-up on the gas odor at Aurora School about an hour ago. The fire department has given the all-clear for students and staff to safely re-enter the building. It was determined by trained officials that the odor was not related to a gas leak, as no leak was found, but to some exhaust fumes from maintenance work that was taking place that accidentally circulated through the building. Any remanence of odor is gone, and again, the fire department has given the safe and all-clear to return to the building. Many thanks to the fast and efficient efforts of the admin and staff at the school, as well as the quick response of our fire department.
Good evening. This is just a reminder to parents and guardians to either send in absence or doctor's notes upon their students return to school, or to utilize the online form which can be found on the main banner on the Preston County Schools website, or under documents on the app. Thank you.
October's menus are now available for parents and guardians to see their student's school's meal offerings next month. Tomorrow will be our final new item of the month, with most schools having Buffalo Chicken Pizza, while some, due to distribution issues, could be serving BBQ Chicken Pizza (also new to PCS). Following tomorrow's lunch, in the coming days, you will see a link to a survey. This survey will be used to help determine future menus and improve our feeding program and service to our students. If there are ever any questions, comments, or concerns, those can be directed to Justin Hough, Director of Child Nutrition at or at 304-329-0580 x234.
The Preston County Board of Education is seeking two Preston High School students in 11th or 12th grade to serve as student Board members for the 2024-25 academic year. Applications are to be emailed to Superintendent Brad Martin at by Wednesday, September 25, 2024. The application can be found at the following link: and will also be posted on the Preston County Schools and Preston High School webpage and Facebook pages. Questions can be directed to Mr. Martin at (304) 329-0580 or by email.
Based on communcations with the Preston County Sheriff's Department, they have advised that by having the juvenile in custody that no credible threat to the community is believed to exist at this time. As as result, all scheduled extracurricular activities will be permitted to continue as scheduled tonight. Additional security for tonight's home football game has also been secured.
Based on the school threats that came to light today and to better ensure the safety and security of our students throughout the district, Preston County Schools will be on a remote learning day for tomorrow, Friday, September 13th. Students will not report tomorrow and staff will report on a 2-hour delay with the expectation for assignments to be posted for students by 10 AM. Staff should be available for calls or messages from 10 AM to 12 PM and from 1 to 3 PM. Unlike a normal Brain Freeze Day, lunches will not be served as to not bring students into the buildings tomorrow. The status of any scheduled extracurricular activities will be announced tomorrow by midday.
Based on the school threats that came to light today and to better ensure the safety and security of our students throughout the district, Preston County Schools will be on a remote learning day for tomorrow, Friday, September 13th. Students will not report, and all staff members will be reporting on a 2-hour delay with the expectation for assignments to be posted for students by 10 AM. Staff should be available for calls or messages from 10 AM to 12 PM and from 1 to 3 PM. Unlike a normal Brain Freeze Day, lunches will not be served as to not bring students into the buildings tomorrow. Long-term subs should report, while all other subs should not report tomorrow. Staff without direct student responsibilities tomorrow can work on any unfinished training via Vector Solutions.
At this time, we have received a threat specific to Central Preston Middle School, the building continues to be in a precautionary hold. Local and state law enforcement are currently at the school and will remain throughout the remainder of the day. Parents wanting to pick up your children will need to sign out at the front window and students will be escorted to the front entrance. At this time, dismissal is scheduled at the normal time. However, all after-school activities have been cancelled at CPMS. School and law enforcement will continue to maintain a safe and secure environment at the school for the remainder of the day. Additional informaton will be forthcoming.
At this time, all Preston High School students have been either been picked up by their parent or are being delivered home by county bus. Local, state, and federal law enforcement are actively investigating the threats against Preston High School and it's students. We appreciate the efforts of our school and transportation staff and law enforcement in assisting in an orderly dismissal of students and appreciate parents' patience as we have been dealing with this difficult situation. All extra-curricular activities at Preston High School are postponed for tonight. Additional information will be forthcoming later today.
PHS is working to dismiss student drivers in the next 5-10 minutes. We are getting personnel in position to supervise this dismissal. Parents, we must clear the front lot for dismissal within the hour. Once we have the student lot cleared near the wrestling barn, this can be an area for parents to park desiring to pick up your children. Please be patient as we are trying to dismiss in as controlled a manner as possible. We are working to have students dismissed to the buses by 10:30 AM at PHS only.
Early this morning, we have received an anonymous message related to a possible threat against Preston High School. Law enforcement is on the scene and the school has been placed in a precautionary hold status while a course of action is planned. Parents desiring to pick up their children may do so at the main office area. We are working on an early dismissal plan and are attempting to dismiss Preston High School students only by 10:30 AM. More details will follow as soon as possible.
9/11 Remembrance: We will never forget that twenty-three years ago, on September 11, 2001, at 8:46 am Eastern time, the United States of America came under attack from 19 Al-Qaeda Terrorists, as they crashed a jet filled with people into World Trade Center North Tower in New York City. At 9:03, a second jet struck the South Tower, and at 9:37 the Pentagon was hit by a third plane. At 9:59, the South Tower collapsed, and 8 minutes later, Flight 93 crashed in a field in Pennsylvania as passengers attempted to stop the terrorists who were headed for the White House or the Capital. At 10:28, the North Tower collapsed. 2996 people died that morning and in that 2-hour time span, the world as we once knew it, changed forever. It was the first time most of us did not feel safe in our own country and had no idea what would happen next. Brave men and women gave their lives to try to save others and it took months to clear the debris. If you ever have the chance to visit New York City, take the time to visit the 9/11 memorial and museum. It is a life changing experience. As we observe our moments of silence today, please take the time to remember the events of 9/11. Twenty-Three years later, there are still thousands of families affected by the tragedy. And even though you might not realize it, your lives changed that day, even for our students not yet born. Today, let's all take a moment or moments of silence, remember and reflect. Always Remember. Never Forget.
Good evening Preston County. Today, all students, grades 4-8, were given a letter explaining how to retrieve their state testing results from this past May. The letter includes both a link to the detailed score report and a video. Please take the time to review these and go over them with your student. Thank you.
At last night's board meeting, Brian Bailey and Roxanne Miller (not pictured) were recognized by Superintendent of Preston County Schools, Brad Martin, and PCS Board Members for their outstanding work in the Option Pathway Program at Preston High School. On August 23, 2024, the WV Department of Education recognized the Preston High School Testing Center for having the highest passing rate on the High School Equivalency Test for Centers Testing Fewer Than Fifty Test Takers. The WVDE issued a certificate of achievement. Congratulations to these outstanding educators for the dedication to our Preston County Students and for their great work in the Option Pathway Program.