Bus #71-16, Terry Workman in the Bruceton Area will not make his AM or PM run tomorrow, Friday, November 5, 2021. Students will not be marked absent if they are unable to get to school.
over 3 years ago, Brad Martin
bus cancellation
The glitch in the JumpRope (grades K-5) welcome emails has been fixed. A welcome email has been sent to your child's K12 email address with login credentials. The username will be your child's full email address and the password will be your child's FULL student ID (WVEIS) number.
over 3 years ago, Preston County Schools
jumprope fixed
Bus #46, Gary Matthews in the Bruceton Area will not make his AM or PM run tomorrow, Thursday, November 4, 2021. Students will not be marked absent if they are unable to get to school.
over 3 years ago, Brad Martin
bus cancellation
There was a glitch in the JumpRope (grades K-5) welcome emails not including the password. We are working to resolve it. We will resend welcome emails when the problem is resolved.
over 3 years ago, Preston County Schools
JumpRope Issue
PCS Calendar Change - November 19, 2021 will be a 3 hour early dismissal.
over 3 years ago, Preston County Schools
Calendar Change
Michelle Berry, Elementary Curriculum Director, explains where to get information on Standards Based Grading for students in grades K-5. Please check out our webpage and app. Students and Familes/Curriculum and Instruction https://wvk12-my.sharepoint.com/:v:/g/personal/darla_moyers_k12_wv_us/EbIhq5xNez9KnPHIDnmhdxgBAsxeyNw17tNGm-_LIv0vhQ?e=ma1cCB
over 3 years ago, Preston County Schools
SB Report Card
The Squires Unified Wrestling Team would like to invite any middle school boy or girl in grades 6th, 7th, or 8th that is interested in participating in the upcoming wrestling season to an informational meeting on Tuesday, November 2, 2021 at 6:30 PM at the Wrestling Barn below Preston High School. This message is from Preston County Schools using the Apptegy System.
over 3 years ago, Brad Martin
Bus #46, Gary Matthews in the Bruceton Area will not make his AM or PM run tomorrow, Monday, November 1, 2021. Students will not be marked absent if they are unable to get to school.
over 3 years ago, Brad Martin
bus cancellation
10/29/2021 Attention PCS Employees including Subs and Coaches The 3rd Moderna Covid vaccine will be given on November 19th. Please complete this form (you will be required to log in with your Office 365 credentials) only if you want the vaccine and you previously received your vaccines through PCS by Monday, Nov. 1st. We are only doing the vaccine for employees at this time. A schedule of when to arrive for your vaccine will be forthcoming. The link can be found on the PCS webpage or this text link. https://forms.office.com/r/CfUxFF9f0i
over 3 years ago, Preston County Schools
Here is the link to the weekly covid list for Friday, October 29, 2021 https://5il.co/118fo Here is the link to Mr. Wotring's Video with the explanation of how mask mandates will work in the month of November. We will be under a Mask Mandate for the Week of November 1, 2021 https://youtu.be/yfYZWZhGNMI Here is the website link to the WVDHHR map that PCS will be using https://dhhr.wv.gov/COVID-19/Pages/default.aspx
over 3 years ago, Preston County Schools
covid oct 29
Mask Mandate explanation from Superintendent, Steve Wotring for week of November 1st. https://wvk12-my.sharepoint.com/:v:/g/personal/darla_moyers_k12_wv_us/Ef2qBXnWS3tMu_rhV3UYhyoB8SginZaMpg8rqObsWZrCzw?e=87TRAL
over 3 years ago, Preston County Schools
Preston County Schools Celebrates Farm to School Wednesday, October 27, 2021 We will be serving sausage gravy over biscuits for lunch. The sausage is purchased from PHS animal processing.
over 3 years ago, Preston County Schools
Farm to School
Middle School (6-8) Athletic Information Insurance Verification Form. This questionnaire is necessary to establish eligibility with the W.V.S.S.A.C. and to verify that each student-athlete has insurance coverage. https://forms.office.com/r/bXi7mVUhAC
over 3 years ago, Preston County Schools
Here is the link to the weekly covid list for Friday, October 22, 2021. https://5il.co/10vhd
over 3 years ago, Preston County Schools
Oct 22 covid list
Bus 101, Jay Kelley in the Kingwood Area will not make his AM/PM run on Wednesday, 10/20. Students will not be marked absent.
over 3 years ago, Preston County Schools
cancel bus run
Preston County Schools will be accepting bids to install a new metal roof over the existing roof of Preston High’s Greenhouse. Bids will be accepted until noon on October 29, 2021.  Contact Matt Murray at 304.698.1524 for details.
over 3 years ago, Preston County Schools
Bus 101, Jay Kelley, in the Kingwood area is running late due to mechanical problems.
over 3 years ago, Preston County Schools
Here is the link to the weekly covid list for October 15, 2021 https://5il.co/10jcf
over 3 years ago, Preston County Schools
covid oct 15
Bus 65-15 (Aaron Knots) in the Kingwood Area will NOT be making the AM/PM run tomorrow, Friday 10/14/21. Students will not be counted absent.
over 3 years ago, Preston County Schools
Bus cancelled
A required class for anyone interested in becoming a substitute custodian for Preston County Schools is scheduled on Friday, October 15th at the Preston County BOE Boardroom. The custodian class begins at 11:30 AM and should take approximately two hours. If you have any questions, about the class, please contact Mr. Brad Martin at (304) 329-0580 ext. 225 or Kristin James at (304) 329-0580 ext. 238.
over 3 years ago, Brad Martin
custodian photo