On Wednesday, October 19, 2022, PHS students will be given an opportunity to take the WV School Learning Environment Survey during their Advisory class.
The purpose of the WV School Learning Environment Student Survey is to gain input from students about their school. The feedback they provide will be used to help make improvements to ensure schools provide a positive and supportive place for students to learn and for teachers to work.
Completing the online survey will cause little or no risk to your child. The only potential risk is that some students might find the topic of some survey questions to be sensitive. The survey has been designed to protect your child's privacy. Students will not be asked to put their names on the survey. No student will ever be mentioned by name in a report of the results.
The results of this survey will be used to make changes in schools to ensure a positive environment for learning. While your child may get no benefit right away from taking part in the survey, the changes made at the school may help your child and other children in the future. We would like all students to take part in the survey, but the survey is VOLUNTARY. No action will be taken against the school, you, or your child if your child does not take part. Students may skip any questions they do not wish to answer. In addition, students may stop participating in the survey at any point without penalty. You may contact your child's school if you have questions. You also may request to see a copy of the survey at the school office.
Please open up the OPT OUT form below, print it out, and check the box ONLY IF YOU DO NOT want your child to take part in the survey. If you check the box "no" below, sigh this form and return it to the PHS guidance office (Jane Layne). Deadline to return the Opt-Out form is Tuesday, October 19th.
Student Opt-Out Form-WV School Learning Environment Survey 2022