Petroleum Products for Transportation Fleet
Preston County Schools is accepting sealed bids for petroleum products for its transportation fleet. Complete bid information can be obtained by contacting Steve Plum, Transportation Director, at 304-329-0580 x249 or visiting the BOE’s website. Bids are due by 1:00 p.m. on November 1st 2022 , at the Preston County Board of Education office at 731 Preston Drive, Kingwood, WV 26537.
Here is the link to the bid:
Tire Bid
Purpose: The purpose of this RFP is to solicit sealed bids for pick up and return of wheels and new tires at Preston County Schools Sealed Bids are due Wednesday November 1st, 2022, at 1:00 p.m. EST, immediately following will be the bid opening. All bids must be marked: School Bus Tires and be mailed or hand carried to: Preston County Schools, 731 Preston Drive, Kingwood WV 26537 Steve Plum, 304-329-0580 Ext 249
Here is the link to the bid: