
Attendance Expectations

A goal of Preston County Schools’ Department of Attendance is to ensure every student attends school every day. School attendance has a huge impact on a student’s academic success starting in kindergarten and continuing through high school. Even as children grow older and more independent, families play a key role in making sure students get to school safely every day and understand why attendance is important for success in school and in life.

We realize some absences are unavoidable due to health problems or other circumstances. But we also know that when students miss too much school— regardless of the reason – it can cause them to fall behind academically.

We hope that you find this information helpful. Like you, we want your child to be successful in school! Should you have questions or want details regarding your student’s attendance record, please contact your child’s school.

Attendance Expectations :

  1. The student will arrive to school on time.

  2. The student will attend school every day.

  3. The student will participate and make academic progress.

  4. Talk about the importance of school attendance every day. Be sure your child knows you do not approve of them missing school.

  5. Communicate with the school often to monitor attendance, academic progress, and address concerns

Student Absence Information

If a student misses school, for one or more days, the student must submit an excuse from his/her parent or guardian to their homeroom teacher stating the reason for the absence. The homeroom teacher will send the reason to the school secretary to record the reason in WVEIS.

Notes must be submitted within three (3) school days of the student's return.

Parent Note Form

parent guidance medalion

WV Driver's

Drivers License

West Virginia Code §18-8-11 states that "school attendance, behavior, and satisfactory academic progress are conditions of licensing for the privilege of operation of a motor vehicle."  Students who have excessive unexcused absences, excessive consecutive excused absences, excessive disciplinary issues, and/or unsatisfactory academic progressive will not be approved for proof of enrollments.  Unsatisfactory academic progressive is defined as failing a class.  

Students who have been denied a proof of enrollment will have the opportunity to rectify the situation by bringing medical excuses or parent notes for unexcused absences or by improving their academic performance so that they are passing all of their classes.  At this point, the proof of enrollment may be requested again.

Per West Virginia Code §18-8-11 , if a student has accrued more than ten (10) consecutive or fifteen (15) total days unexcused absent during the school year, has excessive disciplinary issues, and/or is not making satisfactory academic performance, the school is required to send notification to the West Virginia Department of Motor Vehicles (WVDMV). As a result, the WVDMV may revoke the student’s current license or deny their opportunity to obtain a driver’s license. If such action is taken, the Director of Attendance and the school administration and counselors will request a meeting with students and the family, and opportunity for the student to rectify the situation will be provided.  Written notification will be mailed home. Additionally, Proof of Enrollment cannot be obtained until the matter is resolved..

Make your request for Proof of Enrollment by clicking on the link below.

Request for Proof of Enrollment

Work Permit

McKinney Vento:

QR Code for McKinney Vento Information/Form

McKinney Vento Information/Form